About the author:
Fastovets M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The review article presents the results of many years research of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the etiological factors of the reasons for occurrence of type I diabetes in children, which is an epidemic and a pathology in the XXI century, ranking third in terms of early disability and mortality in developed countries. It is known that type I diabetes refers to the inherited pathologies. At present, it is proved that in most cases, type I diabetes is a genetic susceptibility, and the risk of diabetes of a patient’s close relatives is much higher. Possible genetic features of this disease are the expression of phenotypic antigens HLA DR3-DQ2 and/or DR4-DQ8 on lymphocytes of European race people. Identification of diabetes provoking loci may promote a susceptibility to type I diabetes with a fairly high percentage of certainty just at a child’s birth. In 1970, there was formulated the virus theory of type I diabetes. According to this theory, Coxsackie viruses, measles and rubella, megaloviruses, retroviruses, herpeviruses, and their varieties play the role of exogenous factors starting autoaggression due to the β-cells damage. No rational nutrition and low physical activity of children are also factors that contribute to the development of type I diabetes in children. In 1993, American doctors found that diabetes is more common in children who were at birth bottle-fed. Over the past decade, there were accumulated numerous details about the role of micro- and macro elements in the pancreas functioning. It is known that calcium is a key mineral that affects carbohydrate metabolism. Activity of endopeptydaza — an enzyme under which insulin is produced of proinsulin — depends on the presence of calcium ions in the cell. Zinc is involved in the synthesis and accumulation of insulin in β-cells; copper participates in the process of glucose oxidation; chromium promotes glucose metabolism in peripheral tissues and the synthesis of glycogen; manganese, nickel, and lithium potentiate the action of insulin. Ecological, environmental, population, geological and geomorphological factors are essential in the development of type I diabetes. Xenobiotics in the air, pesticides, nitrogen fertilizers, chlorine- and phosphorus organic substances that enter the human body through the respiratory tract, water, and food are among a large number of external factors polluting the environment, which are pathogenetically significant in the formation of type I diabetes. There exists an interrelation between indicators of disease of type I diabetes in children and the level of nitrates in the water they drink. Children with diabetes consume more foods containing nitrates, nitrites, or their nitro substitutions before diagnosis than their peers without diabetes. Throughout the world, the incidence of type I diabetes in European race population is higher than in Mongoloid and Negroid races. Most cases of type I diabetes in the northern hemisphere occur in winter (December-February), the minimum number turns in summer. Seasonal variations affect the incidence of children’s illness both family and sporadic diabetes equally. Some other factors, which associated with type I diabetes, such as the frequency increase of perinatal infections or the rapid growth of the child, were also revealed. It is assumed that improvement of hygiene level and low incidence of infectious diseases in childhood can lead to disruption of the immune system development and due to it increase of the frequency of autoimmune diseases. Further study of the reasons for type I diabetes in children today will contribute to the development of effective measures to prevent the increasing incidence of this pathology.
type I diabetes, children, etiological factors, autoimmune disease
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 28-33 pages, index UDK 616.379-008.64-02-053.2