About the author:
Fesenko M. Ye., Ziuzina L. S., Kozakevych V. K., Kabyka T. V., Pavlenko V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The literature review presents current opinions on the problem of arterial hypertension in children. The issues devoted to the peculiarities of etiological factors of hypertension in these patients have been highlighted. In children, secondary (symptomatic) hypertension is caused by disorders of different organs and systems (kidney, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine systems) and may be the result of mother’s hypertension, taking steroids during pregnancy, prescribing indomethacin to the newborn, catheterization of the umbilical vein. Attention is paid to the features of appearance of hypertension clinical manifestations by age (in childhood primary hypertension is rare, and in children up to 1 year of age it is not detected). In many countries, including our state, the studies have been performed with the aim of determining the prevalence of high blood pressure (prehypertension / hypertension) among children and adolescents. Different percentage of children with prehypertension in different countries has been detected. Transformation of prehypertension into hypertension is possible over a period of 2 years, and in the first place it is significantly associated with increasing body mass index. In the US, high blood pressure is found in 14% of schoolchildren. Among Italian schoolchildren, prehypertension and hypertension are detected in 5.2% and 7.8% respectively; among Romanian – in 6.5% and 9.1% respectively; it is observed more often in boys and in urban areas. According to the studies, conducted by academician V.H. Maidannyk and his colleagues, in Ukraine high blood pressure is found in 25.1% of boys and 11% of girls, in adolescents hypertension becomes more common than prehypertension. In 2006 at the Third Congress of Pediatricians of Ukraine, academician V.H. Maidannyk and his colleagues suggested and adopted classification of primary (essential) hypertension, according to which there are three clinical forms of primary hypertension: - labile hypertension; - stable arterial hypertension; - hypertensive disease. Depending on the level of blood pressure, one can distinguish stable hypertension of I and II degree, in the presence of target organ damage (nephropathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, cerebral angiopathy, retinopathy) one can observe the complicated forms of hypertension. In the treatment and prevention of hypertension in children, one should use general principles of management for children and adolescents with hypertension according to the guidelines of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, developed under the leadership of acad. V.H. Maidannyk and his colleagues. The literature review defines the direction of further study, dedicated to the prevention of arterial hypertension in children.
arterial hypertension, children, adolescents
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 34-37 pages, index UDK 616.12-008.331.1-053.3