About the author:
Golubkova I. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Anatomo-morphologic analyses allow not only to describe internal structure of a leaf, but also to estimate interrelation with external conditions of the environment, considering changeability of signs of his structure and adaptation. Therefore an anatomic structure of a sheet plate — one of diagnostic signs of reaction of plants to changes of conditions of cultivation. Our purpose was to study and compare an anatomic structure of layers of a sheet plate of species of the genus Persica, to find out adaptive opportunities of plants at an introduction in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Objects and methods of research. Researches have been conducted on the basis of a collection of the National botanical garden of M. M. Grishkо. Two species of a peach (Persica vulgaris and Persica davidiana) became objects of studying. Sampling was made during full physiological ripening of a leaf by the corresponding technique. Results of research. It is determined that the cuticle of the top part of a leaf at all studied objects behind thickness prevails over lower. The very thickest layer had in P. davidiana — 5,67 microns. then, as at Persica vulgaris he made 5,34 — 4,12 microns. Epidermal cells of both surfaces single-layer, polygonal with twisting walls, on an adaksial surface larger and, as a rule, more extended tangential. Internal periklinal wall of cages of an epiderma, as a rule, convex, external wall more direct, reinforced. Stoma are located flush with cages of the lower epiderma. On a cross cut of fabric of a leaf of a differentiate on a palisade parenchyma (from the adaksial side) and a spongy parenchyma (from the abaksial side), which together to an image dorsoventral type of a mesophyll. Characteristic sign of species of a peach is prevalence of thickness of a palisade parenchyma over lacunose. Cells of palisade fabric dense, extended perpendicularly are also located to a leaf surface in several layers. Thickness of a palisade parenchyma depends on quantity of layers and the sizes of length of her cages. Thickness of a palisade and lacunose parenchyma in P. davidiana made smaller value 64,9 and 60,94 of micron. While the lowest value presented 65,33-62,74 microns to P. vulgaris (cultivar Poleskiy). The lacunose parenchyma friable at the expense of the small area of intercellular, also has the roundish or extended cages. Thickness of a sheet plate differed depending on a look. The palisade parenchyma makes bigger percent from a mesophyll of a leaf. At Persica davidiana he makes 51% and has two layers, and at Persica vulgaris varies ranging from 51 to 53% and forms sometimes 3 layers that indicates good illumination of a sheet plate. Increase in thickness of a leaf and palisade are characteristic signs which indicate also a xeromorphic of structure of a type of P. vulgaris in comparison with P. davidiana. The central vein of the studied representatives on a cross cut has the oval (horseshoe) form, sticks out from the abaxial party of a leaf, and forms of adaxial wide, the different depth and a configuration a fillet. So, the maximum sizes of the first specie make 828,96 microns (vein height) and 903,85 microns. (vein width to the middle) at a cultivar Dniprovskiy, the minimum 650,53 and 689,95 microns. The P. davidiana has made 686,12 microns — height of a vein and 734,48 microns. its width. Conclusions. The structural characteristic of a leaf of types of the sort Persica has shown that he has a certain ecological plasticity and is capable to adapt to droughty conditions of the environment.
peach, leaf anatomy, mesophyll, cell, epidermis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 38-42 pages, index UDK 582. 634.25+581.45