Dunaievska О. F.


About the author:

Dunaievska О. F.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Object and methods. For research were conducted selection of mature lake frog`s spleen 2-3 years old of both sexes (ratio female: male was 1: 1). We determined the absolute, relative body mass. For histological studies pieces of material recorded in the 10-12 % refrigerated neutral formalin solution, with subsequent filling in paraffin. Paraffin sections were made at sled microtome MC-2, with thickness less than 10 microns. To study the morphology of cells and tissues used in light microscopy, hematoxylin and eosin staining by Van Ghisoni. Research results. Spleen frog lake is a rounded, sometimes spherical or ellipsoid body, dark red. Consistency is soft, elastic. Body length is 5,50 ± 1,87 mm; width – 4,12 ± 1,72 mm, height – 3,39 ± 1,66 mm. Absolute spleen weight is 0,0770 ± 0,0157 g, relative – 0,1170 ± 0,0215%. Spleen are formed by stroma (capsule and trabeculae) and parenchyma (white and red pulp). The thickness of the capsule in different parts of the body are varies, most of it is developed at the gate and reaches a value is 66.4 mm, the average is 19,37 ± 4,45 mm. The capsular trabeculae are available. The vascular trabeculae are found more, which was 8.74 times more than binding (89,73 % and 10,27 % respectively). The vascular trabeculae are most housed in the pulp (66,1 %), and in the gate area (20,2 %) and area under the capsule (13,7 %). The relative area of support-contractile apparatus was 3,97 ± 1,90 %. This is the largest share of its capsule (68,83 %) and only 31,17 % is the trabecular apparatus. The red pulp is consists of pulp bands and spaces venous sinuses, that filled with free blood elements. From the side of the pulp is well differ adventive cells (fibroblasts). The fibroblastic stroma is the basis of pulp strands. The proerythrocytes were proved which round shape with a rather large rounded bright nucleus; the basophilic erythroblast with basophilic cytoplasm and the nucleus dark; the polihromatofilni erythroblasts oval; the acidophilic erythroblasts with a dark core; the erythrocytes with rod-shaped core. Cells platelet number of platelets were presented at different stages of maturation. Neutrophilic series were consisted myeloblasts, promiyelocytes, miyelocytes, metamiyelocytes. Red pulp took 80,67 ± 6,53 % weight of the spleen. The white pulp had presented of the lymphoid nodules and strands in the direction of the pulp arteries. Its area had an irregular shape of different sizes. In lymphoid nodules center light was available. The large and small cells have differentiated clearly; the single core and multi macrophages that contained the inclusion hemosiderin due to destruction of red blood cells. A characteristic feature was dense arrangement of cells and fibers and the presence in it of dendritic macrophages. The lymphoid tissue is also located in the area under the capsule spleen. According morphometric studies, the white pulp took 15,36 ± 5,71 % relative area of the spleen. In the pulp are existing pigment cells. They feature is significant number of hemosiderin with small amounts of melanin pigment cells default option is a round shape with a round nucleus and cytoplasm, which is filled with numerous small granules. They are forming accumulation of macrophages.


spleen, morphology, morphometry, lake frog`s, capsule, trabeculae, pulp, lymphoid follicles


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 43-47 pages, index UDK 597.8:591.4/441