Smoliar N. O., Khannanova O. R.


About the author:

Smoliar N. O., Khannanova O. R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


For the recent ten years we have been investigating flora of Hadiach district, Poltava region, where several new perspective for reservation areas, locations of preserved nature phytodiversity , including rare ones were discovered. One of such areas is in the Northwest part of Hadiach region in the outskirts of Hlyboka Dolyna village. In environmental aspect the investigated area is a gully system, extended from the Southwest to the Northeast with approximately length 10 km and the average cross section − 150-200 m. Sozologocaly valuable in botanical aspect is the right slope of Northwest exposure, occupied by meadow steppe groups, which include rare species (Pulsatilla pratensis, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Asyneuma canescens, Oxytropis pilosa, Pedicularis kaufmanii, Sanguisorba officinalis, Bistorta officinalis). Investigated area has significant florosozolodical value as the location area of extremely rare species for Poltava region – Potentilla alba, which forms numerous and dense coenopopulation in this locality and is one among three known in the region. The flora of tract was represented by 9 species of rare plants from 7 families, among which two species are included to the Red Data Book of Ukraine and 7 – to the regional list. According to scientific value, the rare flora species belong to the following groups: with a complex biology development, with disjunct distribution, boundary areal and represent regional types of area. The biomorphe of rare flora species of the tract is represented by grassy polycarpics, among which 8 – hemicryptophytes and 1 − geophyte. Among hygromorphes prevail mesophytes (4 species), groups with intermediate character are inconsiderable in number (mesoxerophyte – 2; mesohygrophyte, xeromesophyte – 1 species both), and hygrophyte (1). Among eco-coenotic groups the most numerous are represented by meadow species (3), meadow-steppe (2) and steppe (2). Specific feature of the investigated area is the presence of woodside groups species (Campanula persicifolia) and boreal forest (Potentilla alba). Among nine rare plant species five of them form inconsiderable in number coenopopulations, three – average in number and one (Potentilla alba) – numerous. In general, the phytocoenoses, revealed on the territory of the tract, represent steppe, meadow, riverside, aquatic and moist forest types of vegetation. The scientific value indicators of investigated area were defined: floristic representativeness − high level (flora is represented approximately by 450 species); floristic uniqueness − high level (flora comprises nine species of rare plants); coenotic representativeness and uniqueness – sufficient level (meadow-steppe groups are preserved as zonal for this region); landscape uniqueness – high level (gully systems are unique landscape complexes and areas of steppe vegetation preservation). The main risks for phytodiversity of this territory are overgrazing, including disruptions of some areas, unsanctioned early-spring burning of steppes and wetlands. Considering the high phytodiversity rates of investigated locality, its water regulating, erosion control, soil-fixing and nature protective functions and to prevent environmental risks, we recommend to ensure its protection in the status of local landscape reserve "Hlyboka Dolyna " with a total area 100 hectares.


rare species of plants, gully system, nature preserved area, the projected reserve "Hlyboka Dolyna", Poltava region


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 48-52 pages, index UDK 502.211(1-751.3) (477.53)