About the author:
Kramareva Y. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Basic hygiene requirements for any method of disposal of municipal sewage sludge are the exclusion of pollution sediment components that directly or indirectly can affect human health and cause it a number of pathological changes. As any dispersible system the municipal sewage sludge have the expressed sorbtion activity due to presence of plenty of organic substances, saprophyte bacterias, protozoal agents, mushrooms and etc. The reduction of amount of microorganisms and viruses is based in the process of direct insolation. The aim was estimation of efficiency disinfection of sewage sludge of industrial city based on sanitary-virological, microbiological and sanitary-parasitological criterias. Materials and methods. To achieve the objectives we have examined 90 samples of different sewage sludge of industrial city. The examination based on using of sanitary-virological, microbiological and sanitary-parasitological criterias. Statistical analysis of the results was prodused by means of package of the licensed applied softwares of STATISTICA (6.1., serial number of AGAR909E415822FA). The level of statistical meaning fullness of the results it was taken р<0,05. Results. According to results of researches municipal sewage sludge during three years have been kept on sludge beds they do not contain viruses eggs of helmints and causative agents of protozoal diseases in the composition. Municipal sewage sludge are absolutely safe in an epidemiology relation after storage. Results of researches of microbiological indexes of municipal sewage sludge in the process of their storage on sludge beds showed a fitness to using as material for the receipt of organomineral fertilizers after their previous detoxication. Using the scale of estimation of municipal sewage sludge and degree of expressed biological signs fresh municipal sewage (that were kept on sludge beds during one year) belong to wastes of ІІІ of class of danger. Municipal sewage sludge that were kept on sludge beds during three years are wastes of ІV of class of danger. Living-related eggs helmints and causative agents are absent in all investigational samples of municipal sewage sludges. Conclusions 1. In fact existing technologies for municipal sewage sludge treatment on city aeration station in Dnipropetrovsk are not perfect because no important stages of sewage treatment. That’s why the volume of municipal sewage sludge and their epidemiological danger are increased. Technical and economic indicators of sewage treatment plants are reduced. It leads to increasing of territory for storage of municipal sewage sludge. 2. Municipal sewage sludges of 3-year storage are safe in the epidemic relation according to the results of sanitary-microbiological, virological sanitary and sanitary-parasitological research. They are suitable for the production of organomineral fertilizers after preliminary removal of heavy metals without further deterioration sanitary condition of the soil for the growing of agricultural products which correspond to hygiene requirements.
efficiency of disinfection, municipal sewage sludge
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 53-56 pages, index UDK 614.7:631