About the author:
Sevalnev A. I., Sharavara L. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Currently, the concept of professional risk assessment in the world is considered as the main mechanism in grounding, designing and choosing the priority of implementation of management decisions to preserve the health of working-age population. The aim of research is to develop and implement the system of professional risk management among workers of a full-cycle metallurgical enterprises. Materials and methods: the proposed system of professional risk assessment and management for workers is based on hygienic assessment of working conditions of workers of basic occupations; calculating the integral index of professional diseases (Іпз) and professional risks (Ір) according to the data of professional morbidity; calculating the indicators of professional risks (incidence rate (R), relative risk (RR), attributable risk (AR), population attributable risk (PAR). Results: the proposed program of systematic assessment of professional risks at a metallurgic enterprise consists of a prior assessment, which includes hygienic assessment of working conditions according to the job evaluation, protocol of working conditions and a posterior evaluation (the actual risk), which considers the quantitative impact of factors on the health of workers (professional morbidity and morbidity with temporary loss of working efficiency). During the analysis of professional morbidity it was proposed to use the integral index of professional diseases and professional risks for establishing the extent of the harm on health from the effects of factors of production environment. To determine the influence of production factors on the health of workers (according to morbidity with temporary loss of working efficiency) one needs to calculate the incidence rate (R), attributable risk (ARe) in absolute values and percentage, population attributable risk (PAR) in absolute values and percentage. According to results of the data one determines a connection between poor working conditions and workers' health, identifies high-risk groups and the list of diseases caused by production to carry out effective preventive measures. The next step in the system of preventive measures is a method of risk management which includes planning and carrying out various activities aimed at preventing and reducing risks, monitoring the effectiveness of activities. The main task of risk management system is to reduce the levels of general, professional and industrial-caused diseases. The main methods of professional risk management are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, which include technological, sanitary, social and economic, administrative, medical and other preventive measures. Conclusion. The results of hygienic scientific research became the basis for the development and introduction of professional risk management system of metallurgical enterprises in the professional medicine service that includes an automated assessment of professional risks and their ranking for priority implementation; the development of hygienic guidelines and preventive measures; technical implementation of the recommendations. The introduction of professional risk management system made it possible to reduce the health risks of workers of sinter plant regarding the effects of the factors of professional environment.
the system of professional risk management, assessment of working conditions, morbidity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 57-61 pages, index UDK 613.6.02:669]−047.44