About the author:
Bezshapochnyy S. B., Sonnik N. B., Loburets V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problem of disease of lymphoid floor of pharyngeal ring is one of the most actual in pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Pathology of the tonsils is largely the cause of respiratory morbidity in children, especially preschool age. This is most common lesion of pharyngeal tonsil, about 50% of all diseases of the ear, nose and throat in children aged 1 to 7. PTH is a peripheral organ of immune system, provides the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses with immune-competent cells and monitors the adequacy of the local immune response, known as mucosal immunity. PTH contarary to the tonsils produces secretory IgA and has an adenoid structure. Increased PTH directly associated with immunodeficiency, manifested as compensatory of lymphoid tumor. Adenoiditis require only conservative treatment. Moreover, in case of a combination with PTH this therapy often has the character pre-operating preparation. In the absence of adenoids such therapy may completely solve the problem of the disease. Treatment of PTH inflammation should be safe for a child to stop inflammation in the nasopharynx, reduce hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue. The aim of the investigation — to investigate the clinical effectiveness of the use of natural medicines "Cinabsin" and "Tonsilotren" in the treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children. Object and methods. 120 children aged 3 to 12 years with a diagnosis: adenoiditis. Depending on the drug therapy, patients were divided into 4 groups of 30 patients: 1. Course of Tonsilotren + anti-inflammatory therapy. 2. Course of Cinnabsin + anti-inflammatory therapy. 3. Course of Tonsilotren + Cinnabsin +anti-inflammatory therapy. 4. Course of anti-inflammatory therapy. Comparison groups were aged and disease course. The clinical dynamics of symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and dynamics of endoscopic features in patients with adenoiditis on a background of drug therapy were studied: swelling, discharge, size of PTH, the relationship with choanae and isthmus of auditory tubes at onset of disease, on the14th and 30th days. The division of patients according to the degree of adenoid vegetations in this endoscopic examination was also studied. Tonsilotren was administered 8 pills a day / 2 days , then 1 tablet 3 times a day / 30 days. Cinnabsin 1 tablet 6 times a day / 2 days, then 1 tablet 3 times a day /30 days. Optical nasal endoscopy is an objective criterion for diagnosis of PTH. Proprietary study showed that the use of natural medications as Cinnabsin Tonsilotren in the treatment of chronic adenoiditis can reduce the clinical signs of the disease, and in some cases avoid surgery. This therapy may also be as a part of preoperative preparation and provides optimal rehabilitation of the operated patients.
adenoid vegetations, adenoiditis, adenotomy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 67-71 pages, index UDK 616.323-002.2-0533-08