Gorbatch T. V., Yunusov V. Yu., Kukushkina M. Y., Shcholok T. S.


About the author:

Gorbatch T. V., Yunusov V. Yu., Kukushkina M. Y., Shcholok T. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


It is extremely important to study factors risk of pathology in the mother — placenta-fetus both for science and for practical health care. Among these factors smoking (active and passive) of parents plays an important role. There is lack of information about the impact of parental smoking on fetal vessels in literature. In some works studied vascular condition in children of all ages, born to mothers who smoke. It was found that maternal smoking leads to endothelial dysfunction in children, a significant reduction in production vasodilators-nitric oxide. At the same time, the fact of placental permeability for most toxic components of tobacco smoke and their accumulation in the amniotic fluid. The experiment on rats showed, that mothers-smokers is one of the etiological factors of retarding intrauterine growth accompanied by a decrease in relative and absolute weight of the heart. In this regard, studying the effect of smoking of parents on fetal vessels is extremely important. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of "smoking" rats-parents on the content of collagen, elastin and lipid peroxidation products in the blood vessels of descendants, and to explore the possibility of correcting the elasticity of blood vessels under the influence of dosed physical activity. Materials and methods. Experiments was conducted on 3-month-old rats of Wistar line, which were kept under standard vivarium conditions. Rats were divided into 4 groups: 1) control (C), 2) "smoked" only females (F), 3) "smoked" females and males (FM), 4) "smoked" only males (M). Modeling of passive smoking was carried out by placing rats in a specially designed chamber, sufficient in volume to free movement, which was distributed with tobacco smoke from cigarettes "Pryluky". Part of newborn rats deduced from experiment to study the indicators of intoxication in blood serum and the content of collagen and elastin in vessels. The rest of neonatal rats were left to continue the experiment. In 1-month age these rats were placed in the daily "squirrel wheel" and ran it for 30 minutes. In each of the 4 groups 5 rats (group) were not exposed to exercise. At 2 months age all rats were removed from the experiment by decapitation under tonsenal anesthesia. Serum samples were tested on containment of molecules of average weight, TBA — active products using spectrophotometric methods. In vascular homogenates the amount of elastin was measured using immunoassay with reagents of Bender - med System firm (Austria), collagen – with spektrofotometric method (for oxyproline). The results of the research. The study found, that passive "smoking" of rats leads to: increasing the content of molecules of average weight, lipid peroxidation products in blood serum of newborn offspring, indicating a high toxic load in the prenatal period. Reduction of elastin was discovered both in the aorta and femoral arteries in neonates and 2-month-old offspring of parents-"smokers", what can cause increased rigidity of blood vessels, especially if both parents smoke. Under the influence of physical activity the content of elastin significantly increased both in the aorta and in the femoral artery, what leads to a decrease (approaching the level of control) ratio of collagen/elastin in vessels of 2-month-old rats offspring of parents-"smokers". Conclusion. Physical activity can be recommended as a factor of the correction of functional state of blood vessels in children, offspring of parents who smoke.


rats, smoking, aorta, femoral artery, elastin, collagen, exercise


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 77-82 pages, index UDK 577.152.27-591.41:591.39-613.842.