Martynova S. M., Otchik A. Ye., Onikova A. O.


About the author:

Martynova S. M., Otchik A. Ye., Onikova A. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Environmental degradation and socio-economic condition of much of the population, stressful burden promote progressive deterioration of the disease in the population of Ukraine nephropathy. Numerous studies have established that the development and progression of nephropathy significant role played by environmental factors. The main environmental contaminants large industrial centers are primarily heavy metals which, on the one hand, reduce the safety of the organism as a whole, affecting the immune system, on the other — directly affect the kidney tissue. Since the membrane renal cell involved in cell interactions with the environment, we can assume that the action of various external signals for cell, including environmental factors, disturbed lipid metabolism membranes. Despite the numerous studies that have found a role in lipid metabolism in the development and progression of certain types of kidney disease, the impact of environmental factors on lipids of cellular membranes of the kidneys until now not known. The aim was to study the features of lipid serum and membrane subcellular fractions kidney cells, inflammatory interleukins in blood serum of rats with experimental nephropathy. To achieve this goal it was necessary to solve the following problem: 1. Using a model known nephropathy (patent № 66957) to reproduce the disease in rats Wistar line 2 months of age. 2. Examine the copper content in blood serum and kidneys of animals. 3. Examine the contents of proinflammatory interleukins in blood serum of rats. 4. Determine the fractional composition of lipids subcellular fractions of rat kidney cells in the development of nephropathy. The object of research: experimental nephropathy. Subject of study: the lipid composition of cell membranes in terms hypermicroelementosis of copper content inflammatory interleukins in blood serum of rats. Experiments conducted on 30 rats — males 2 months of age. The animals daily for 1 month intragastric (through a tube) once injected 1 ml of an aqueous solution of CuCl2 concentration of 1.35 mg / dm3. The control group of animals of the same scheme received distilled water. After 1 month of animals taken out of the experiment. The kidneys were isolated, washed of blood, prepare 10% homogenates in 0,25M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4. Using differential centrifugation isolated membranes of subcellular fractions renal cell membrane lipids extracted by Bligh and Dyer and fractionated by thin layer chromatography on plates Silufol. Studying lipid serum revealed the presence of dyslipidemia with nephropathy, increased concentration of LDL, decreased HDL, VLDL concentration does not differ from the control group of rats. In experimental nephropathy, a decline in the membranes of all factions (except the plasma membrane) cholesterol and increase phospholipid content. In plasma membranes is observed only a trend to lower cholesterol, while as phospholipid content they not only did not increase, but rather reduced. I. Thus, in terms of nephropathy induced hyperelementosis of copper concentration ratio of cholesterol / phospholipids in intracellular membrane structures is reduced, and the plasma membranes-increases. The features ratio of cholesterol / phospholipids indicate a change in the structure and properties of membranes that look in different directions change their rigidity and microviscosity even established limits of lipid membranes, which are the result of various disorders of lipid metabolism, play certainly an important role in the characteristics of renal disease with nephropathy that hypermicroelementosis dictated by copper.


experimental nephropathy, hypermicroelementosis of copper, kidney, membranes, lipid metabolism


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 100-104 pages, index UDK 577.125:616.61-092.9