Odnorih L. O., Lapovets L. Ye.


About the author:

Odnorih L. O., Lapovets L. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


According to some authors, the main cause of CHD is an atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which for a long time has asymptomatic character. The reason for this is a the blood vessels lumen minor stenosis, vascular wall changes and development of collateral circulation. Therefore, important is an early diagnosis of atherosclerosis, which allows to begin cardiovascular accidents preventing on time. Late diagnosis of cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of cardiac patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the features of changes in circulating levels of apolipoproteins and their balance in patients with unstable angina depending on age and gender. The study involved 84 patients with unstable angina (39 men and 45 women) of three age groups. Each group was divided into two subgroups (men and women). Patients of mature age 2 (average age 51,8 ± 1,3 years) made up the first group. The second group included elderly patients (mean age 68,5 ± 0,8 years). The third — old age (mean age 79 ± 1,5 years). For comparison Apo-A, Apo-B performance levels and ratio Apo-B / Apo-A of 27 healthy people who formed the control group (average age 25,0 ± 0,2 years) were used. Levels of investigated apolipoproteins were determined on an automatic analyzer COBAS INTEGRA 400 using immunoturbidimetrsc method and reagents sets of ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS (Switzerland). For statistical analysis of obtained data the method of variation statistics with the use STATISTICA 6 program (Statsoft, USA) was applied. The study showed that in women of the first group, comparably to control, levels of Apo-B increases in 1.52 times (p<0,05), and the level of Apo-A decreases in 1,11 (p<0,05) times. In men of the first group Apo B level was increased 1,62-fold (p<0,05), but the level of Apo A-1 decreased in 1,27 times (p<0,05). In women of group 2 increased level of Apo-B in a 1.32-fold (p<0,01) compared with controls, and men — in 1.39 times (p<0,001) was experienced. The level of Apo A-1 was reduced in 1,2 times in women (p<0,01) and 1.16-fold in men (p<0,05). In group 3 increasing of Apo-Blevel in women in 1,49 times (p<0,05) and in men in 1,55 times (p<0,001) and reduction of Apo A-1 respectively in 1.24 times (p<0,01 ) and 1.16 times (p<0,01) were observed. In the study the ratio of Apo B / Apo A was calculated. In the women of group 1 this value was increased comparably to control in 1.37 times and men — in 1.65 times. The balance Apo B / Apo A in the groups 2 and 3 of women was increased respectively in 1.35 and 1.49 times. In men, groups 2 and 3, increasing of this indicator, respectively, in 1.3 and 1.43 times was observed. Thus, according to research, apolipoprotein B levels remained within the normal range, but were more elevated in comparison with the control group in men of all ages. The levels of apolipoprotein A-1 remained in the normal range, but were lower in men of all age groups compared with the control. Published data indicate that the risk of adverse coronary events and CVD mortality associated with high levels of Apo-B and Apo-B / Apo-A ratio. INTERHEART study showed that monitoring of lipoproteins in blood plasma helps to predict the risk of manifestation of adverse cardiovascular events, and that Apo-B / Apo-A is the most significant risk factor for MI compared to others. The results of our research indicate that in patients with unstable angina apolipoprotein B levels remained in the normal range, but was increased compared to control groups in men of all ages. The levels of apolipoprotein A-1 remained in the normal range, but were lower in men of all age groups compared with the control. In future continuing research of serum lipid and cytokine status of patients with unstable angina in order to identify new highly informative biochemical markers is being planned.


unstable angina, atherosclerosis, apolipoproteins


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 110-112 pages, index UDK 616. 12-009. 72-039. 37-053-055-07:616. 153. 96-07