About the author:
Khrabrova E. P., Ioffe I. V., Glazkov E. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Various thyroid pathologies prove to be most frequently occurring in the endocrine disorders structure. This situation is expected to continue in the years to come as the prevalence and incidence rate of thyroid disorders has been steadily increasing over the last decade. In Ukraine there are 1,17 patients with diffuse toxic goitre and 1,9 patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis per 1000 people. The main problem of drug therapy of diffuse toxic goitre is frequent relapses of hyperthyroidism and difficulties in diagnosing them. The relapses rate seen during the first five years after cessation of traditional treatment reaches 50-60%. Application of new immunological methods of research allow for clarifying and reviewing the etiology and mechanisms of autoimmune thyroid diseases. In view of the above, both studies of a wide range of immunological parameters in patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders and establishing the extent of their disorders are of great theoretical and practical significance. In addition, the available data on specific immunological markers that have a prognostic character in the clinical course of autoimmune thyroid diseases are quite ambiguous. The problem of therapy of autoimmune pathology of the thyroid gland is far from being solved. This is due to resistance of these diseases to currently applied therapy and a high percentage of relapses and complications, which leads to disability in people of working age. Treatment methods intended for curing patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders are only about correction of the functional state of the gland whereas immune pathogenic methods of correction are not used in clinical practice. Today there is no method of treatment of patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases which would focus on correction of existing autoimmune disorders. The article describes the results of the study on the cytokines concentration in serum of patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases. The aim was to study the concentration of serum cytokines, and the cytochemical and functional properties of neutrophils in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and diffuse toxic goitre. The study was based on the data obtained from findings of the examination of immunological parameters, cytokine profile and antimicrobial neutrophils systems of 86 patients with autoimmune thyroid disorder who were receiving hospital treatment in the endocrinology department of Luhansk city hospital No. 5 and therapeutic department of the Schastie city hospital in 2009-2013. The results of the study found that patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases had an increased concentration level of IFN-γ, α-IFN, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α in blood serum and reduced concentration level of IL-1β in serum compared with the control group of healthy donors. It was newly revealed that the IFN-γ level was significantly increased in blood serum of patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases. This cytokine is proposed by us as a marker for activity of an immunopathological process in the thyroid gland. In patients with diffuse toxic goitre the IFN-γ kevel in serum was 10 times more than that in the control group; and in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis the IFN-γ level was 36 times higher than that in the control group. Also the IFN-α level was observed at a significantly higher level.
autoimmune diseases, cytokines, thyroid
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 128-131 pages, index UDK 615.27:612.017.1:616.441-006.5