About the author:
Yakobets O. I., Vorobets D. Z., Vorobets Z. D., Gzhegotsky M. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Comparative study of lipid peroxidation in different age groups of women showed slight activation of this process. Thus, in the serum of healthy women of the second age group K2, the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) reached (8,2±0,4) µmol/l, while in the K1 it was (6,8±0,3) µmol/l. In patients with ovarian cancer processes of lipid peroxidation were intensified in 1,6 times comparably to K1. A similar situation was observed in determining the concentration of MDA in blood lymphocytes. Thus, the group K1 concentration of MDA in blood lymphocytes was (61,2±4,5), and the K2 — (65,2±4,5) µmol/mg of protein. In the patients with ovarian cancer this value was significantly increased to (98,1±8,2) µmol/mg of protein. Thus, in healthy women of different age groups significant changes in lipid peroxidation were found only in the blood serum, while in the lymphocytes processes of lipid peroxidation tend to increase with women age. Along with the intensification of lipid peroxidation processes appropriate changes in the activity of the glutathione were detected. Thus, it was demonstrated that there are no significant changes in the concentration of glutathione in both age groups of healthy women. In K1 it was (17,2±1,6), and in K2 — (18,4±1,7) nmol/ mg of protein. In ovarian cancer patients this value was increased in 1.4 times comparably to K1 and reached (24,3±2,1) nmol/mg of protein. There were no significant differences in the activity of glutathione peroxidase in the control groups K1 and K2 and it was respectively (155,5±11,6) and (166,3±13,8) nmol GSH /min∙mg of protein. In ovarian cancer patients this value was significantly reduced in 1.6 times — up to (96,4±8,8) nmol GSH/min∙mg of protein. Regarding an activity of glutathione reductase, in both control groups it was also almost identical — (50,2±5,1) (K1) and (53,6±5,2) nmol NADPH/min∙mg of protein (K2). Upon investigation of ovarian cancer patients this activity was reduced to (36,6±3,3) nmol NADPH/min∙mg of protein, that is in 1.4 times regarding K1. Significant changes in the activity of glutathione transferase in both control groups K1 and K2 were not found. They were respectively (117,3±8,2) and (112,6±9,8) nmol GSH /min∙mg of protein. With the development of ovarian cancer (stage III-IV) activity of GT increases to (139,7±10,6) nmol GSH/min∙mg of protein, ie in 1,2 times, but these changes are not statistically significant. Thus, in practically healthy women of different age groups significant changes in the processes of lipid peroxidation in lymphocytes were not found, although there was a tendency to increasing of this value with the age of women. However, the serum concentration of MDA significantly increases with the age of women. In ovarian cancer patients processes of ovarian cancer are being significantly intensified in both serum and lymphocytes. Significant differences in the activity of glutathione system between the two age groups of healthy women were not found. However, during the development of ovarian cancer activity of two key antioxidant enzymes - glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase is being significantly reduced.
lymphocytes, glutathione system, lipid peroxidation, ovarian cancer
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 132-135 pages, index UDK 612.015.33.+616.153.94