About the author:
Bagatska N. V., Proskurina Т. Yu., Mykhailova E. A., Ryabokon N. A., Volosova V. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The study was designed to determine the level of chromosomal aberrations in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of children and adolescents of both sexes with phobic anxiety disorders (PAD). Cytogenetic analysis was performed in 27 children with PAD and 50 healthy children and adolescents of both sexes, aged 9-15 years. The diagnosis was made in the psychiatric department of the Institute on the basis of the complete clinical and laboratory examination of patients. Chromosome preparations, obtained from the PBL cultures in vitro, served genetic material for determining the spontaneous level of chromosomal aberrations. PBL cultivation was carried out according to the standard method. Statistical analysis of the research results was performed using Excel and SPSS Statistics 17.0 application programs. Cytogenetic analysis in the groups of patients with PAD and in healthy age-matched individuals has established normal female (46, XX) and male (46, XY) karyotypes. The frequency of the chromosomal aberrations (CA) spontaneous level in the PBL of patients is 4.6 times higher than the CA frequency in healthy persons. In children and adolescents with the disease the spontaneous frequency of aberrations of chromatid and chromosome types is also significantly higher than the same in healthy children and adolescents. Single acentric fragments and exchanges prevail among the chromatid–type aberrations; pair acentric fragments prevail among the chromosome–type aberrations. Dicentric chromosomes have been registered in three of our patients, and exchanges have been observed in 4 individuals in the full absence of such chromosomal aberrations in healthy persons. The study of gender differences in the frequency of CA in the PBL has established the lack of reliable differences in males and females with PAD and in healthy persons of the same age. However, a comparison of the CA frequency in the PBL of our patients with the frequency in healthy age-mates testifies to a significant increase in the CA total level. An increase in the frequency of the chromosome- type aberrations has been revealed in boys with PAD (1.72 vs. 0.55 per 100 cells in healthy boys, p < 0.001 by pair acentric fragments), in comparison with healthy boys; and the chromatid –type aberrations have been observed in girls with PAD (3.22 vs. 0.94 per 100 cells in healthy girls, p <0.001 by single acentric fragments), in comparison with healthy girls. A pronounced individual variability of CA frequency, which range in our patients from 2.0 to 18.0 per 100 metaphase plates, has been found along with an increase in the CA spontaneous level in patients with PAD. Spontaneous level of chromosomal aberrations, which exceed the CA frequency in the PBL of healthy children, has been established on the basis of the cytogenetic analysis in blood lymphocytes of patients with PAD of both sexes. Gender differences in the CA frequency have been found in patients with PAD as compared to healthy boys and girls.
boys, girls, phobic anxiety disorders, chromosomes, aberrations
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 136-139 pages, index UDK 575.116.4:616.89-008.44-053.2/.5