Leshchenko T. A.


About the author:

Leshchenko T. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Modern medicine headily develops in research and introduction of the newest technologies, equipment and medications. Therefore, the awareness of the physician-scientist and practical doctor with modern scientific achievements are published primarily in scientific periodicals and has become an integral part of his professional competence and hence competitiveness in the conditions of market relations in medicine. Scientific style of modern Ukrainian language despite a set of standards has the wide range of means of expression, good possession of which will give to scientific work of exclusiveness, refinement, brightness and national stylistic identity that will help to execute the functions – informative, epistemichesky, gnoseological, influence function and function of the reasoned proof. All of the above is due to the relevance of the research topic. Research aim: to highlight genre-substantive, structural, stylistic and lexico-grammatical scientific articles of medical contents as the holistic scientific works; to characterize the most typical language mistakes of research papers; to expand the knowledge of medical scientists about the scientific style of Ukrainian language; to promote the formation of young scholars stylistic competence in the possession of scientific language, the formulation of requirements in the normative use of language means the scientific style of Ukrainian language, development of language and the subtle taste of the language. The results of the research. Research paper is a type of scientific publication, which reflects the final or intermediary results of the proved methods and methods for their preparation, outlined prospects for further research. The content of the scientific article are: the actual science (a summary of the main results of the research); popular science (focused on the broad, not the narrow professional circle); scientific-educational and scientific-methodical. According to the method of describing material: survey (describe nowadays and prospects of scientific research in a certain field); the problem (provide analysis of specialized problems, which have not received the full decision); methodological (underpinning methodology of the solution). The most remarkable genre-structural feature of scientific articles are logical, clearly structured presentation in the form of descriptions of signs, reasoning and evidence. The scientific article is a complete research work. Characterized by its critical structural features and the genre in Ukrainian to achieve this integrity. Conclusions For effective research activities in modern medicine, especially for beginner, is not enough to have deep technical knowledge, to master the methodology of scientific research, the ability to extract, analyze and organize scientific facts. No less important is this substantial monocombustion training, fluency in the national normative scientific language in oral and written forms, because they are components of high culture of scientific language and professional competence.


scientific article, мedicine, norms of Ukrainian language


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 140-146 pages, index UDK 161.2 + 81’38