Berezhna M.


About the author:

Berezhna M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The frontal lobes of the brain are responsible for analytical activities of human, ability to understand information and to give an adequate assessment of what is happening, to interpret the data, make decisions. Depending on the type of memory (auditory, visual, tactile, combined), term memories storage (short and long), the analytical center of the brain sorts and stores personal characteristics that makes us individual. Memories are cumulated in frontal or frontal-parietal areas. Functionally its possible to allocate motor, premotor, dorsolateral, prefrontal, medial prefrontal and orbitofrontal zones. It is the intersection of the prefrontal and limbic systems in the prefrontal area. There are associative zones in the cortex of the frontal lobe. Each associative zone is associated with sensory and motor areas. In the associative area, it is accumulation and processing of information that leads to the formation of complex acts of behavior. Projection zones coordinate and integrate all impulses that go to the cortex that responsible for logical thinking, memory and provide targeted behavioral response. Micro- and macro- anatomy, symmetry and asymmetry of the frontal lobes affect on cognitive processes of the person: the ability to concentrate, memory fluctuation of memory performance (accuracy, volume, speed of thinking processes, playing and forgetting information), etc. There were studied samples of brain of 46 people (23 men and 23 women). Material is distributed by age groups: Group 1 — 21-35 years, Group 2 — 36-50 years, Group 3 — 51-75 years and group 4 — over 75 years). Material for the study (precentralis, upper, middle and lower gyruses) was studied in symmetrical areas of each hemisphere. The macroscopic picture has shown the variability of sizes, topography and configuration of the gyrus of the frontal lobes of the left and right hemispheres under inspection in all studied samples. Therefore, it was used the method of mirroring for study of interhemispheric asymmetry of the frontal lobes. The samples of frontal gyruses were divided according to the following criteria for classification: - Similar (size and configuration of gyruses are identic); - Partially similar (Minor variations of sizes and configuration of gyruses); - Different (expressed asymmetry of sizes and configuration of lobe gyruses). The following data was estimated in a time of the mirror reflect analysis. More than half cases have shown that the size and configuration of the gyruses of the frontal lobes of the brain was significantly different. From 46 cases which were investigated the completely different configuration of the gyruses of the frontal lobes of the right and left hemispheres was observed in 24 cases (52.17%). Partly similar form of gyruses was observed in 12 cases (26.09%). A similar — in 10 cases (21.74%). The more expressed asymmetry was observed in men in age category of 36-50 years. Gyrus configuration of the left and right frontal lobes was completely different at 16 (73.91%) of the 23 men in the age groups 1-3 and at 8 (34.78%) of the 23 women in the 1 and 3 age groups. A similar shape was observed at 3 (13,04%) men in the 1 and 3 age groups and at 7 (30.43%) women in the 2 and 4 age groups. Partly similar shape was observed at 4 (17.39%) men in the 1 and 4 age groups and at 8 (34.78%) women in the 1-4 age groups. Our results revealed the morphologically great severity of frontal gyrus asymmetry in men compared with women in all age groups. It is known that at the time of evolution the brain of animals was divided into two equal hemispheres due to the presence of two symmetrical sides of the body, two eyes, two ears, symmetric internal organs. In humans, unlike animals, words began to develop, the center of which in dextrism people is controlled by the left hemisphere. Since words and creative thinking play an important role in spiritual development, the left hemisphere of the brain became dominant. According to evolutionary asymmetry theory of V.A. Heodakyan, the evolution of male advances female and left hemisphere of the brain is ahead of the right. These phenomena are adaptive specializations. Interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain and the frontal lobes are caused by evolution. Unlike theories that represent the functional asymmetry of the brain as a unique feature of the human (words, dextrism, consciousness) the dichrone theory studies it as a manifestation of fundamental, common to all living systems, evolutionary patterns. Dominance of hemisphere is under the forming during the prenatal period of development, depending on conditions of pregnancy (presence of optimal conditions creates dextrism and stress factors — left-handedness). The asymmetry of brain hemispheres is created not by the centers of different functions but moving of phases of their evolution. The role of the left hemisphere is a search; formation, selection, integration of new features. The role of the right hemisphere is improvement of work and erasing of unnecessary functions.


brain, hemispheric asymmetry, frontal lobe, frontal gyrus, mirror reflection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 176-179 pages, index UDK 611.813.11