About the author:
Gorbachenko O., Shvets A., Polovyk O., Rozhnov V., Suprunenko S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The autonomic nervous nodes of head and neck: pterygopalatine, ear, submandibular and hypoglossal nodes play an important role in the innervation of the mucous membranes of the nasal and mouth cavities and of salivary glands. In the clinical conditions you can find inflammations of head and neck vegetative nodes, which have nosology names of ganglions. The possible origins of ear nerve node pathologies are largely dependent on the characteristics of its connections with other head and neck vegetative nodes. It’s common enough in clinical practice that elderly individuals have the disease of branches of branches of the trigeminal nerve. The diversity and complexity of clinical manifestations usually complicate the diagnosis, which requires the examination of patients at neurologists’, dentists’, ENT specialists’ and other specialists for further diagnosis and treatment of the treatment of the pathological process. The difficulty of the symptoms largely depends on the existing relations between the autonomic ganglions, including the ear ganglions as well. Determine the location of the ear node, on the basis of the skull form and the variability of its shape, considering various skull shapes. For the research were used the biopharmaceuticals of deaths people of 56-77 years. The number of investigated biopharmaceuticals of ear nodes is 72 units. The following methods were used: anthropometric method, macro- and microscopy method, demi-thin serial dissections, statistical methods of data processing. With the method of macro-microscopic dissections of Vladimir Vorobyov and semi-thin serial dissections, we determined the shape and size of the ear unit. The correlation between the shape and size of the ear unit was found out. Thus, the following shapes were observed on the biopharmaceuticals: fusiform, triangular, oval, rounded and complex shape of the ear. Among these shapes the fusiform was identified for 24 cases, triangular for 12 cases, rounded for 34 cases and complex for only 2 cases. Despite the diversity of the ear node shapes in the examined cases, all of them were flattened in the sagittal plane. There are two positions of the ear vegetative node: rear upper and lower front. For the persons with cerebral brachycephalic form of skull characterizes with rear upper position from the oval foramen and the mandibular nerve. The front lower provisions regarding from the oval foramen and the mandibular nerve is typical for people with dolichocephalic and leptoprosopic shapes of face. In most of the cases, the external structure of the node is rounded. Less common are spindle and triangular shapes. Reticle form is extremely rare. Extremely rare forms of the ear node structure are compact and diffuse ones. The identified features of forms, the size and the location of the ear node are of practical importance in the clinical practice of the following specialists: neurologists, dentists and otorhinolaryngologists in determining of the topographic anatomical features, of the location and treatment of the nodes in the maxillofacial area, as well as the variability of the nerve relations with other nerves and nodes. We will continue to study the dependencies on the features of forms, the size and the location of the ear node. It is also planned to study the effectiveness of treatment of nodes, taking into account the type of structure of the skull.
parasympathetic nervous system, vegetative nodes of the head, ear node
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 180-183 pages, index UDK 611.91:616-053.9