About the author:
Dusyk A. V., Golubovskiy I. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Results. Discussion. The aim of our research is to study changes in the adrenal glands morphophunctional under long-term stress. The experiment was performed on 28 white laboratory nonlinear male rats weighing 200-250 g. Chronic stress in rats reproduced for 30 days through their daily five-hour immobilization. To investigate four groups were formed (three — 1, 2, 3 and the control of seven each. The first — the animals were kept in conditions 3 days of stress, the second — 14 days, the third — 30 days, the fourth — control. We determined the ratio of weight (RW) of adrenal glands. It was a study of the morphological status of rats adrenal glands. Animals of group 1 RW of adrenal was 0,0305 ± 0,0005 g. Cortisol was 95,927 ± 0,671 nmol/l. Fibrous capsule was not changed adrenal focal plethora of vessels. In total glomerular zone structure was preserved. Cells were netted areas cubic form. Blood vessels in all areas of the cortex were slightly plethoric. Enlightenment capillaries adrenal cortex is not extended, corresponding to stage anxiety. The thickness of the cortex was 593,67 ± 9,33 mkm and medulla 586,65 ± 12,36 mkm. In the second group RW adrenal was 0,0373 ± 0,0005 g. Cortisol was 63,348 ± 0,348 nmol/l. There was swelling and capsules of collagen fibers. Cells glomerular zone lost orientation and housed relatively compact. There were features perivascular edema and focal hemorrhages on the type of hemorrhagic impregnation. Focal proliferation of connective tissue between cortex and medulla, indicated the period of resistance. When morphometric study cortex thickness was 704,51 ± 8,25 mkm, and medulla 657,67 ± 11,48mkm. Animals of third group RW adrenal was 0,0259 ± 0,0004 g. Cortisol was 38,496 ± 0,481 nmol/l. Connective tissue capsules were thickened, with signs of edema. In total glomerular zone structure was preserved. Cells polygonal shape formed balls. Fire discovered necrotic cells and cells with characteristics vacuoles dystrophy. These pockets were infiltrated by leukocytes. On the border between glomerular and beam areas showed no undifferentiated cells polygonal shape with dark cytoplasm, indicating exhaustion of regenerative processes. Most endocrinocytes had light, cytoplasm, containing numerous vacuoles. Some cells were able vacuoles dystrophy. The number of cells were necrotic. Cells were netted areas cubic form. Their size is somewhat smaller than the cell area of the beam. Blood vessels in all areas of the cortex were full-fledged. Capillaries adrenal cortex were expanded. Around the capillaries found hemorrhage, edema, indicating exhaustion of adaptive mechanisms. When morphometric study cortex thickness was 681,65 ± 10 mkm and medulla 561,65 ± 9,36 mkm. Conclusions. Prolonged immobilization stress adaptation was observed. There have been significant changes in the Cabinet adrenal cortisol and morphometric parameters. This is confirmed adrenal hypertrophy, then there is exhaustion, as the mechanism of response is poor circulation at the microcirculation and various damage at the cellular level, manifested degeneration of tissue necrosis that subsequently can lead to disease.
adrenal gland, sress, cortisol
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 188-192 pages, index UDK 616.45 : 159.344 4