About the author:
Volkova O. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Contemporary data indicate that in Ukraine, and other countries, the prevalence of caries close to 92-98%, and tends to increase. Attracting the attention of medical students to the problem of their own healthy lifestyle, proper distribution of skills of oral care and strengthening of health of teeth is much important. Given the high prevalence of dental caries, is urgent to search for new resources, methods of prevention, the use of combination therapy. Purpose — to study the clinical characteristics of the structure of carious lesions and its dependence on the state of oral health in young people studying in the medical school. According to the conducted clinical study of a total of 132 patients (100%) of volunteer students in the 2, 3, and 5 courses of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Kharkiv National Medical University, only 5 persons had intact dentition. In percentage terms this represents only 3.79%. That is, 96.21% of people aged 19-24 years have the teeth affected by caries, treated or deleted on the complicated caries. Thus, the prevalence of caries among the examined 132 young adults was 96.21%. Of all the students who have been identified carious process, only 16.5% sanitized, completely treated and have no recurrence of caries. The remaining 79.71% have an active primary and secondary caries. This indicates a low level of sanitation of the oral cavity and insufficient preventive measures. Сaries prevalence in students aged 19-21 years in the 132 surveyed was 95.3%, in the age of 22-24 years — 100%. Poor oral hygiene — a risk factor that leads to the growth of dental caries, which is confirmed by many authors. In the analysis of OHI-S index structure of all 132 surveyed revealed that the low rate of hygienic index and, accordingly, a "good" state of oral health in only 11 people registered (8.3%). The average value of OHI-S and index, respectively, "satisfactory" condition of health was noted in 39 persons (29.6%); high rate of OHI-S ( «unsatisfactory» Care) was found in 73 persons (55.3%) and a very high index of OHI-S («bad» Hygiene) revealed only 9 of the 132 students surveyed, accounting for 6.8%. While hygiene education found that the majority of subjects a little time and attention devoted to oral hygiene. It is found that most person’s younger age, total number of examined need improvement hygienic condition of the oral cavity by independent regular brushing and in conducting professional oral hygiene. The teaching methods of cleaning teeth and rules of individual oral hygiene require virtually all students. So, from these results, it can be assumed that the more hygienic training is carried out not by specialists. Interviewed students paid little attention to their individual learning oral hygiene. To quantify the effect of oral hygiene for caries was investigated the relationship between the intensity of caries (CPU index) and the state of oral hygiene (hygienic index of OHI-S). Clearly there is a tendency to increase the intensity of caries (CPU index) with deterioration in health status (increase OHI-S index). Taking into account the high prevalence and intensity of caries process, the results of the survey and the direct relationship between oral health status and intensity of caries in the surveyed young people, it is advisable to comprehensive prevention hold hygienic training of patients with controlled cleaning of the teeth during the year and targeted selection of personal hygiene. Consequently, using toothpastes remineralizing action, improving the hygienic condition of the oral cavity can be activated and remineralization processes positively influence the course of the caries process. The analysis of the survey enables us to draw the following conclusion: the prevalence of dental caries among students is high. There is a direct relationship between the states of oral health.
dental caries, the prevalence of dental caries, dental hygiene, students
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 218-223 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-084-053.81:615.038:616-092.9 (043.3)