Gnid R. M.


About the author:

Gnid R. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The most important components of antiradical and antiperoxidase protection there are enzymes, which catalyze the reactions between the activated forms of oxygen than in the result carry out to the disintegration of hydroperoxides. These key enzymes regulate essentially such fundamental process as the main stream of active forms of oxygen. Therefore, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase could be strategically an important target for many inducers of free radical oxidation of lipids endogenous and exogenous origin. The purpose of this research is to determine the state of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) in persons with generalized parodontitis, living in polluted with sulfur areas. Material and methods. 120 residents of the Yavoriv district of Lviv region (main group) and 90 persons, living in Lviv (control group) with the same sex and age characteristics were examined in this research. The diagnosis of periodontal disease has been received using classification of M. F. Danilevsky (1994) and refined using paraclinical indices (PMA, PI, Fedorov-Volodkina index). The oral liquid for biochemical analysis was collected on an empty stomach without stimulation in the morning. The saliva samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes, supernatant was investigated. Superoxide dismutase activity was determined by the spectrophotometric method, which is based on the determination of the inhibition of the oxidation of quercetin. Determination of catalase activity was performed by the method of M. A. Korolyuk, which is based on the ability of hydrogen peroxide to form a stable coloured complex with salts of the molybdate. The obtained data were worked out statistically with using the computer programs of Microsoft Excel. Results. The comparison of the results of research of activity SOD and CA in persons with an intact paradontium has allowed to establish that in examined of the main group the activity of both enzymes was lower compared with the control group. Tracing of changes of the activity of investigated enzymes depending on the degree of severity of periodontitis showed that the initial pathological changes in the periodont tissues occurring on the background prevalence of antioxidant mechanisms. So, in the main group SOD activity was higher than in persons of the same group with intact periodontium, who have generalized periodontitis of initial stage — on 9.44%, GP of I degree – on 20.64% and GP of II degree – on 12.32%. In patients of the control group revealed the similar changes of SOD activity: activation during initial GP, I and II degrees, respectively on 21.83%, 25.03% and 15.87%. The comparison of SOD activity of oral liquid in examined of the main group and the control group showed that the progression of dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the periodontium of examined in the main group occurred at a statistically significantly lower SOD activity compared to control at all degrees generalized periodontitis on 14.29%, 7.94%, 7.51% and 10.43%, respectively (in all cases p<0.05). The activation of catalase was found only in patients with generalized periodontitis of initial degree. Then a catalase activity in patients of both groups decreased and was in the main group at GP of III degree 34.30±1.64 nmol H2O2 /ml.hour compared with 63.03±2.75 nmol H2O2/ml.hour in persons with intact periodontium; р10.001 (reduction on 45.58%). The activity of catalase at generalized periodontitis of III degree in the control group was lower compared to that at intact periodont on 27.0%. The catalase activity in patients of the main group was lower compared to patients of the control group on 11.97% at GP of initial degree, on 12.85% at GP of I degree and on 25.05% at GP of II degree and on 29.89% at GP of III degree (in all cases р0.05). Conclusions. Studies have were conducted suggest about antioxidant security of periodontal complex in residents of geochemical province as a healthy periodontium and generalized periodontitis, in turn, requires the development of adequate treatment regimen in persons with generalized periodontitis, living in polluted with sulphur areas.


generalized periodontitis, antioxidant protection, catalase, superoxide dismutase


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 224-227 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1 – 036.12-06