Gurando V. R.


About the author:

Gurando V. R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Development and selection of the optimal base material for partial and full dentures is important direction of development in prosthetic dentistry. Basis prosthesis is a crucial element in the construction of dentures. From the time when prosthetic dentistry formed as a science and previous empirical examples for bases dentures applied a variety of materials — ceramics, rubber, cellulose, metal, various kinds of artificial materials - polymers. Such a large number of proposed publications to the very broad range of requirements for basic material, aesthetics, biological inertness, sufficient strength and rigidity, resistance to penetration of microorganisms and moisture, durability, color hygiene and opportunity to others. Also acrylic plastic is not sufficiently resistant to the changing chewing loads. According to the literature, broken dentures bases on average 80% of the manufactured prosthesis. Research objective. Thermoplastics chemical structure devoid of the major negative features inherent thermosetting particular acrylic plastic, but in terms of strength many times greater than them and do not contain residual monomer. However, a wide range of advanced thermoplastic materials and diversity of clinical situations pose a dentist-orthopedist challenges in choosing appropriate material for denture base selected design. Also important is the question of design choice depending on the type of material. The aim of the study was to analyze the number of errors in planning the design and selection of thermoplastic material base and design elements included in the unilateral mandibular defect. Research subject and methods. Goal is solved by analyzing one case re prosthesis included a defect in the region of 47, 46, 45 teeth. Patient M., 65, who enjoyed a unilateral partial removable prosthesis on the basis of polyacetals in said part, appealed to the clinic for re prosthesis. Research results and their discussion. When you planned combined prosthetic design - sided partial dentures with cast metallic frame and base of nylon in the area of 47, 46, 45 tooth. New re-planned prosthesis design that is completely made of nylon, as support elements in the form of occlusal pads produced were inappropriate. The design anticipated only contain clasps 48 and 44 teeth, while the 48 tooth ring, and 44 Dent-alveolar clasps of solid nylon. On the lingual side in the region of 44, 43, 42 tooth branch established unilateral basis to stabilize the prosthesis. The patient, despite the experience in the use of removable dentures, could not adapt to the design even after a series of corrections. Сomplaints of pressure on the top of the alveolar ridge and the associated discomfort during use was continued. So the next time the same prosthetic patient was planned combined design - sided partial dentures with cast frame and base of nylon in the area of 47, 46, 45 tooth. Also used supporting-retaining clasps on teeth, limiting defect — a 48 tooth, and combined with 44 — tooth-gingival and vestibular cast metallic orally. Conclusions. Thus, with the advent of thermoplastic polymers prosthetic dentistry received a number of compounds that meet the requirements for materials for bases of partial dentures. When choosing the design and type of thermoplastic material defects unilateral lateral length of the molars 3 units must use a rigid thermoplastics with some supporting elements, such as occlusal overlays. These masses can be thermoplastic polyacetals, bezmonomernoy acrylic, nylon hard types. The use of thermoplastic materials basis for partial dentures requires thorough evaluation of the clinical situation and the specific properties of these materials. Only the performance of these terms may provide sustained aesthetic and functional result.


thermoplastic materials, partial dentures basis, unilateral partial dentures, dent-alveolar clasps


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 228-231 pages, index UDK 616. 314 . 58 . 086