Komarytsya O. J., Suberlyak O. V., Zemkіv V. B.


About the author:

Komarytsya O. J., Suberlyak O. V., Zemkіv V. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The flexible plastic is commonly used in orthopedic in order to prevent complications of removable prosthetic dentistry. Despite a number of convincing and obvious advances of soft elastic lining usage, the problem of the soft elastic lining connection with the solid base of denture is not solved yet. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of hydrogel lining use as a coating layer for dentures bases with further determination of its connection strength with acrylic-based denture in comparison with flexible plastics Villacryl Soft and Latacryl-L. For the manufacture of soft linings we proposed the composition based on polyvinylpyrrolidone and 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate with additions of hydrophobic monomers, treated on the department of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Composition was made of polyvinylpyrrolidone molecular weight = 12 thousand as initiator of polymerizational hardening was used benzoyl peroxide.The use of the elastic lining of such hydrogel material is attractive from a position of good bio-tolerance, sorption ability of pharmaceutical ingredients and highly flexibly characteristic state. Samples were tested for adhesion strength and shear to lead. Prepared elastic liners were placed on acrylic plate. The size of space gluing was 208 mm. Liners were kept in dry-air thermostat in temperature 605оС during 2,5 h after the hardening. Received examples were in distilled water for two days in room temperature. Adhesive strength research of hydrogel lining with acrylic plate was performed on tensile machine 050/RT-601U model by "Kimura Machinery" company under the mobile crosshead speed of 25 mm/min. For comparison, an acrylic plate was connected using elastic materials Villacryl Soft and Latacryl-L. Adhesion of polymeric material (liner) to substrate (basis) the most frequently is characterized with/by adhesional strength. The stronger adhesional connection, the bigger deformations of system components will be before the moment of their destruction. The work of deformation sometimes may predominates over the work of adhesion. Even in several times and that can couse the destruction of the substrate basis. In general, thermodynamic work of adhesion is the one index, which is characterized by adhesion of two objects and has physical sense independently from testing conditions. The strength of the connection for the proposed hydrogel composition based on composition of polyvinylpyrrolidone was so strong that at research the acrylic bases by themselves were destroyed. The layer of hydrogel compositions remained undamaged. Based on the results, it can be argued that the proposed polyvinylpyrrolidone — methacrylate hydrogel composition had high adhesion towards acrylic materials. Compared with flexible plastics Villacryl Soft and Latacryl-L the adhesive strength parameters of the connections formed by hydrogel composition with the denture basis on acrylic lining were higher and allowed its use as a covering layer for dentures bases in dental practice, which would be the subject of our further researches.


removable prosthetics, hydrogel lining, flexible plastic, adhesive strength


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 240-244 pages, index UDK 616.314-089-633:615.462