About the author:
Markov A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to many epidemiological studies the prevalence of the dystrophic-inflammatory periodontal diseases (generalized and localized periodontitis) is highest among the population. Over the past decades there has been a significant increase in this disease due to structural and functional abnormalities of bone tissue. The prodression of generalized periodontitis result in destruction of the periodontal tissue, especially alveolar bone and premature loss of teeth. A large number of investigations in the last decade were devoted to the study of stromal stem cells of patients with generalized and localized periodontitis. Scientific co-authorship understands the need for fundamental stem cell research for the stimulation of alveolar bone regeneration. Recently, there is an interest in the application of the principles of tissue engineering in endodontics, the treatment of periodontal disease and another diseases of maxilla-facial area. These treatment methods could potentially be an alternative to the traditional approach and for use of directional development of tooth tissues, reconstruction and replacement of the lost or damaged alveolar bone tissue. Objective. To study the regenerative potential of alveolar bone patients with dystrophic-inflammatory periodontal diseases. Material and methods. The cloning of stromal stem cells of alveolar bone marrow carried out by the method of OJ Friedenstein (1973), as modified by VS Astakhova (1982). Researches were performed in the Laboratory of Immunology (certificate number PA-374/11 of 10.10.2011r. Issued by SE "Ukrmetretest-standard"). Using cloning techniques KUOf of bone marrow from 31 patients with generalized periodontitis (main group), 11 patients with localized periodontitis were examined. Collection of bone tissue was made by biting off an alveolar bone of the jaw (hollow, sharp edges, protrusion of bone tissue) in order to eliminate distortion. 10 patients comprised the group of comparison with atypical removal (extraction) of teeth outside of the inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic lesions. Cloning was performed under standard conditions for 14 days without changing the culture medium in Petri dishes at 37°C in a gas mixture of 5% CO2 in air using lethally irradiated bone marrow cells of a rabbit as a feeder. Regenerative potential of bone jaw was evaluated in terms of the efficiency of cloning stem cells or stromal colony forming units of fibroblasts (KUOf) of bone marrow among 105 nuclear containing cells. Results and discussion. As the results of the research culture in the study group showed, in 14 cases out of 31, which is about 46.2%, fixed bacterial or bacterial — fungal growth of bone marrow stromal fibroblasts cultures of jaws in patients with generalized periodontitis. In other 54.8% — received zero rates cloning. Growth of bone marrow colonies SSC is not registered in any case of the 17, only in 3 petri dishes there were isolated fibroblasts, which do not form colonies. So cloning efficiency of stromal stem cells of the bone marrow of patients with generalized periodontitis among 105 nuclear containing cells is zero. In other words regenerative potential of jaw tissue bone in patients with generalized periodontitis is dramatically suppressed. As for the patients with localized periodontitis was registered growth of 9 colonies of stromal stem cells of the bone marrow. As for the patients in the group of comparison, taking into consideration 10 cultures SSC of bone marrow registered growth of 11 and 17 colonies of stem stromal cells of the bone marrow was registered. The efficiency of cloning KUOf bone marrow in these cases is respectively 22 and 34 among 105 nuclear containing cells. Conclusions. There was observed sharp depression of alveolar bone regenerative potential in patients with generalized periodontitis which must consider when choosing a rational osteostimulating therapy. Perspective for further research. In the course of further research, it is planned to conduct laboratory studies and examine the bone tissue of patients with periodontal disease more fundamentally. On this basis, it is planned to develop more effective treatments for these common periodontal diseases.
dystrophic-inflammatory periodontal diseases, generalized periodontitis, localized periodontitis, stromal stem cells, alveolar bone tissue
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 252-255 pages, index UDK 616.314.18-002.4/611-013.3/612.6.03