About the author:
Oliinyk A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The prosthetic construction on dental implants (DI) to replace missing teeth have become routine procedure with predictable results. So it is important and urgent to study the prevention and treatment of early and advanced peryimplant inflammation of soft tissues. Protocol treatment of peryimplant environment includes mechanical cleaning the surface of the implant and prosthetic design, local antibacterial therapy, antibiotic therapy, surgical treatment. The solution of chlorhexidine bihlyukonate (concentration of 0.1-0.2%) considered the most effective mean of antiseptic treatment. However, the use of chlorhexidine bihlyukonatu has a lot of contraindications and complications. According to our research bactericidal capacity of ozonated distilled water is comparable with 0.2% chlorhexidine solution. The ozone therapy has several advantages: no systemic effects on the body, no flora resistance to ozone appears, lack of ozone allergenicity. The local detoxification sorbents for the topical treatment of inflammatory diseases have become used in recent years increasingly. Especially promising material for adsorbents is titanium dioxide, which is characterized by a large surface area and high exchange capacity. So, to prevent the complications of using 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine, to reinforce the therapeutic effect and reduce the time of treatment we have offered use the titanium dioxide solution in ozonated distilled water for antiseptic processing of peryimplant tissues (PT). Complex comprehensive survey was regarded to the treatment of 96 patients (72 women, 24men aged 21-65 years) with peryimplant inflammatory changes and included clinical, instrumental and radiological performance. All patients were divided into five groups according to the survey results and the severity of inflammatory changes in the peryimplant environment. Also the patients were divided into primary (48 pers.) and control (48 pers.) groups according to the therapeutic protocols applied. The patients of primary group were managed using elaborated methods with solution of titanium dioxide in ozonated distilled water as a pharmacotherapeutic support. Medical schemes applied depending on the diagnosis, the values of the clinical, radiological and instrumental methods of examination, have included, in addition to antiseptic treatment the local and general antibiotic therapy and, if necessary — surgery, accompanied by osteoplastic techniques. The results were compared to the data of control group with conventional treatment systems applied. The positive dynamics of peryimplant environment indicators was observed after treatment in all patients. But for sure the best results were obtained using developed by us techniques: spectacular improvement of index values of bleeding, of hygiene, gingival attachment index, pH-implant gingival fluid, stability radiometric data. Mathematical analysis of the data have prooved the optimality of developed methods of peryimplant diseases management especially in non-surgical therapies, greater efficiency in early lesions, and thus — processed preventive character of complex control of peryimplant tissues.
dental implants, peryimplant inflammatory changes, titanium dioxide solution in distilled ozonated water
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 256-262 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.843-002-08:615.014.24