About the author:
Sokolova I. I., German S. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. We not always have possibility to get longtermed functional and aesthetic results in filling carious cavities with cervical localization. Complexity of working space isolation and inlay modelling with the maximum C-factor in cavities (5), abfractioned stress are the main reasons of temporary results in teeth restorations with cervical localization. Composites are used in such type of carious cavities. However composite filling materials have such negative characteristics as polymerization shrinkage stress. That’s why it is actual to search a new clinical technologies that are directed on lowering the results of polymerization stress in filling of carious cavities with this localization. The aim of the research is the comparative analysis of effectiveness in using “parted increments” traditional method and technique in case of filling carious cavities with cervical localization by multipurpose polymeric material. Object and methods. The reference group included 23 persons (38 carious cavities), whose teeth-sealing was realized by traditional method of “oncoming triangles”. The valuation of clinical criterion were selected by Ryge G. indices, that allow us to make the conclusion about aftereffects of polymerization stress: marginal adaptation, marginal coloration, postoperative sensitivity and preservation of an anatomical form. Each of criterions were assessed by 5 points scale. Patients were under medical observation during 2 years. Teeth - sealing restorations that were realized completely responded the 5 - point mark by the G. Ryge clinical criterions. Results. Have leaded the results of an effectiveness in using “parted increments” technique in 32 patients (main group, 40 carious cavities) in case of sealing the medium cavities with cervical localization by multipurpose polymeric material. Such criterion as anatomical form wasn’t upset in any case of supervisions in patients of both groups within all observation period. The postoperative sensitivity at the time of making first (6 months) and last (24 months) examination of patients from main group, was 4,55±0,08 points and 4,92±0,06 points accordingly, marginal adaptation was 4,92±0,03 points and 4,70±0,05 points accordingly. And finally marginal coloration was fixed only through 12 months (4,85±0,06) with saving on mark of 4,78±0,04 points through 24 months. In patient’s teeth from reference group by G. Ryge clinical criterions were similar such in main group and in any case hadn’t statistically differences from it (P > 0,05). Conclusion. Thus proposed “parted increments” technique is an alternative method in declining the consequences of polymerization shrinkage stress of composites that are used in sealing the medium cavities with cervical localization. Besides that, because of using only one layer of filling material in dentine restoration “parted increments” technique allows to cut down the time of it’s realization.
polymeric materials, filling, cavities, the cervical localization, polymerization stress
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 263-266 pages, index UDK 616.314.15-002-74:615.462:678.744.325