About the author:
Sorochenko G. V., Ishutko I. F., Karachevska K. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aim of the research – study and analysis of state of permanent teeth hard tissues in children permanently residing in Kyiv. Material and methods of the research. To assess the state of dental hard tissues 140 children aged 12 (70 children, 34 boys / 36 girls) and 15 years (70 children 35/35) were examined in educational institutions of Kiev in 2015. Study and assessment of hard tissues of permanent teeth were conducted according to WHO recommendations (1998) and included determination of the prevalence of dental caries of permanent teeth (in %), intensity of caries of permanent teeth (separately acute initial caries) according to the DMF index. In order to improve the quality of diagnostics of the state of dental hard tissues the device "DIAGNOdent" (KaVo, Germany) was used. The structure of the DMF index was analyzed separately for each component in absolute numbers and in percentage. Activity of caries process was evaluated according to the recommendations of T.F. Vinogradova (1978). Results of the research. The prevalence of permanent teeth dental caries in 12-years old children permanently residing in Kyiv was 87,1%, in 15-years old children — 91,4%. The intensity of caries in permanent teeth of 12-year-olds according to DMF index was 4,3±0,72, which corresponded to the medium level of caries intensity of permanent teeth for the criteria of WHO. In 15-years old children DMF index was 6,2±0,84, which corresponded to the "high" level of intensity of caries. Analysis of structure of DMF index shows that ratio between decayed and filled permanent teeth in 12-years old children is 66,7%/33,3% (2,87±0,34/1,43±0,18), in 15-years old children — 44,6%/54,8% (2,76±0,4/3,4±0,64). We haven’t revealed extracted permanent teeth in 12-years old children. In 15-years old children number of extracted permanent teeth was 0,04±0,01 (0,6%). Compensated form of permanent teeth caries prevails among examined children in Kyiv (39,8%/41,2%). Decompensated form of caries was diagnosted in 31,1%/33,2%, subcompensated – in 29,1%/25,6% of 12- and 15-years old children respectively. Prevalence of acute initial caries was 24.3% in 12-year-olds and 25.7% — in 15-year-olds. The level of acute initial caries intensity among 15-years old children (3,34±0,6) was for 1,7 times higher than the same rate in 12-year-olds (1,96±0,38). Proportion of complicated caries in permanent teeth among examined children increased in direct proportion to the age and caries intensity. Complicated caries in permanent teeth among 12-year-olds was diagnosted in 4,3%, of cases and among 15-year-olds – in 11,4%. Conclusions. Data of dental examination in 2015 indicates that prevalence of permanent teeth caries in 12- and 15-years old children of Kyiv is high. Intensity of permanent teeth caries in 12-years old children is medium (4,3±0,72), in 15-years old children – high (6,2±0,84). This contingent requires clinical supervision of a dentist and a complex of preventive and curative measures. The main objective of primary prevention of caries in this period is to ensure optimal conditions for secondary mineralization of the permanent teeth enamel. Particular attention should be paid to differentiated application of modern exogenous and endogenous means for caries prevention.
рermanent teeth, caries, children, hard dental tissues
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 267-269 pages, index UDK 616.314.13/.14+616.314.18]- 053.2(477-25)