About the author:
Sotskova Yu. V., Marchenko I. Ya., Stupak E. P., Tkachenko I. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article is investigated in oral microbiocenosis of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on the background of type I diabetes mellitus. It was examinated 12 patients with diabetes mellitus of 1 tipe by age of 22-34. All patients relate to the dispensary group of patients with a diabetes mellitus, who have been ill during 3-15 years. The second research group consisted of 12 patients of the same age with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis without comorbidity. It was also defined the dental status of 15 healthy people without concomitant dental and somatic pathology of the same age, they were in the control group. We used the standard clinical methods of inspection (questioning, review, probe, palpation, percution, X-ray if necessary). Special methods of inspection were − determination of speed of secretion of the unstimulated and stimulated mouth liquid, determination of hygienical index Green-Vermillion and PMA index in C. Parma modification. We carried out a definition of urease activity in mouth liquid according to the methods of L.М. Gavrylova, І.Т. Segen and lysozyme according to the method of Gorina in modifications of А.P. Levickiy and О.О. Jugina, and also determinations of level oral cavity’s dysbiosis of patients with a diabetes mellitus of 1 type. The biochemical methods of inspection were conducted in the biochemistry laboratory (doc. O.A. Makarenko) biotechnology department (prof. A.P. Levizkiy) of Public establishment “Institute of stomatology AMS of Ukraine”, Odessa. In the control group of patients an average value of lysozyme activity was 61±6 units/l, which is significantly higher in comparison with patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on a background of a diabetes mellitus of the 1st type, where value was 33±3 (p<0,001). The relative indexes of lysozyme activity of mouth liquid in patients of 1st experimental group was 0,54±0,03, that also differed from indexes of control group (p<0,001). For patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on a background of a diabetes mellitus of the 1st type activity of urease in the basic group was 5,23±0,2 mkmole/min*l, that significantly differed from same indexes of control group (2,83±0,1mkmole/min*l). Relative activity of urease in the basic group was also differed from such indexes of control group (p<0,001). Having analysed the results of indexes of urease and lysozyme activity in mouth liquid of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on a background of diabetes mellitus of 1 type and control group of practicaly healthy people without basic pathology, we observed that for patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on a background of diabetes mellitus of 1 type, the level of urease activity increases in 1,8 times; lysozyme activity decreases in 0,54 times in comparing to the analogical indexes of control group (p<0,001). It was found that violations of microbiocenosis in patients meets the clinical subcompensated form of dysbiosis and is higher by 3,4 times compared to the healthy and by 2,1 times compared with patients with catarrhal gingivitis, but without concomitant pathology.
microbiocenosis, oral dysbiosis, catarrhal gingivitis, type I diabetes mellitus
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 270-273 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002-083:616.379-008.64