Markhon N. A.


About the author:

Markhon N. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) play a multitude role in the pathogenesis of medical illnesses. MetS is correlated with severe cognitive dysfunctions as well. High sugar intake, specifically fructose, may be one of possible precursors to cognitive decline. Aim of the study. The aim of the research was to study the spectrum of psychotropic activity of resveratrol and propylene glycol extracts (PGE) of nettle leaves, raspberry leaves, walnut leaves, mountain ash fruits and royal jelly compared with piracetam in rats with experimental metabolic syndrome (MetS). Material and methods. A total of 90 healthy male albino rats weighing 250-320 g (at the time of the study of cognitive impairment) were used in this study. They were housed in regular cages situated in an animal room at constant temperature (22±2ºC) with 12 h light/dark cycle and had free access to standard pellet diet and water (ad libitum). The animals were randomly assigned into 9 experimental groups of ten each, as given below: I - intact (passive control, drinking water); II - animals with experimental MetS (active control); III - MetS+PGE of nettle leaves (Urtica dioica), 1,5 ml/kg; IV - MC+PGE of walnut leaves (Juglans regia), 1,5 ml/kg; V - MetS+PGE of mountain ash fruits (Sorbus aucuparia), 1,5 ml/kg; VI - MetS+PGE of raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus), 1,5 ml/kg; VII - MetS+PGE of royal jelly, 1.5 ml/kg; VIII - MetS+piracetam 500 mg/kg; IX - MetS + resveratrol, 20 mg/kg. The rats received fructose 60% in drinking water during 8 weeks. All studied drugs were administered orally for 14 days during last 2 weeks of MetS induction. Results and discussion. Resveratrol and propylene glycol extracts caused a significant increase in the number of crossed floor squares (+66,7% - +229,6%) comparison to group with MetS induced by 60% fructose solution. Rearing was significantly increased in all studying groups (+75,9% - +275,0%). The numbers of times the animal dipped its head into the holes also increased (+10,5% - +210,5%) according to active control. During passive avoidance test, rats treated by PGE of royal jelly (+107,6% (p˂0,05)), PGE of mountain ash fruits (+99,8%(p˂0,05)), resveratrol (90,0%(p˂0,05)) and piracetam (+76,7%(p˂0,05)) took longer time to enter the dark compartment compared to rats with MetS. Oral administration of all studied drugs in rats with MetS results in significant increase of step-through latency of passive-defensive reflex on the second day of the passive avoidance test. Longer latency indicates good retrieval of learned behavior. PGE of mountain ash, PGE of walnut, PGE of raspberry, PGE of nettle and resveratrol contribute activation of the nervous system in the conditions of the «Open field» test. Resveratrol, PGE of nettle, PGE of mountain ash and PGE of royal jelly significantly decreased immobility time (-24,5% - -28%) and increased climbing behaviors (+57,5% - +167,5%) in comparison to group with experimental MetS Conclusion. It was found inhibition of motor and orienting-research activity, impaired learning and the development of depression in rats under conditions of metabolic syndrome induced by 60% fructose solution. Activating effect on motor and research components of behavior in «Open field» test had resveratrol, propylene glycol extracts of mountain ash, walnut and raspberry. Oral administration of PGE of royal jelly, PGE of mountain ash and resveratrol during 14 days promotes mastering of conditional skills, reduces development of cognitive deficits under MetS in larger degree in comparison with piracetam in passive avoidance test. At the same time, resveratrol, PGE of mountain ash fruits, PGE of royal jelly and PGE of nettle leaves demonstrated antidepressant effects in the Porsolt test.


metabolic syndrome, cognitive impairment, piracetam, resveratrol, propylene glycol extracts


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 70-74 pages, index UDK 616-008.9-008.6:615.214:615.322-092