Romaniuk A. M., Grintsova N. B., Budko H. Y., Karpenko L. I.


About the author:

Romaniuk A. M., Grintsova N. B., Budko H. Y., Karpenko L. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


To study the functional state of the pituitary-adrenal and the reproductive system of mature female rats under conditions of reparative changes after experimental extracellular dehydration of the heavy phase, an experiment was made on 12 mature white rats-females weighing 250-300 g, aged 7-8 months. An anatomical, statistical and clinical method were applied. In result extracellular dehydration on the bodies of experimental animals the level of progesterone fell to 37,2±0,462 pmol/l, i.e. 46,5% (t=55,08643, p<0,001) in comparison with intact animals’ indicators. The concentration of estradiol fell to 142,0±0,589 pmol/l, 44% (t=79,13546, p<0,001). These indicators show that the decrease of functional reserves of the reproductive system of female rats in response to long-term effect of extracellular dehydration. Exploring the functional reserve of the pituitary-ovarian system and its sensitivity to the violations of water-salt balance in the body, it was determined that the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in the blood serum of the experimental and intact rats remained practically unchanged and had an indicators of < 0,1 mmol/ml. However, indicators of optical density of these hormones has been of a slight decrease: 8,6% (t=12,9955, p<0,001) for luteinizing hormones and 15,5% (t=8,1751, p<0,001) for follicle-stimulating hormones in comparison with the indictors of the control animals. Level of sex hormone of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, which is an inactive form of the main androgen’s precursor remained practically unchanged and had an indicators < 0,407 umol/l in the serum of both experimental and intact rats. An experimental animals’ indicator of optical density of the main androgen’s precursor was 2,1% more than the intact animals had, but the statistical difference is unreliable (t=0,5027, p≥ 0,05). It is established that the violation of water-salt balance has the negative impact on the organism of experimental animals. Experimental rats are in a state of development of the general adaptation syndrome, the stage of depletion for the action of the malicious agent that is a stress factor for the whole body. There is a violation of a feedback mechanism in the regulation of pituitary functional activity of ovaries of the experimental animals. Slight activation of the endocrine apparatus of the beam zone of the adrenal cortex and Leydig cells of the rats’ testes explains by the development of compensatory-adaptive processes in the organism, in response to the violation of water-salt metabolism. The recovery processes of reparative regeneration, which act in the organism of experimental animals within 7 days, are insufficient for the full normalization of homeostasis and the restoration of the functional activity of the reproductive system. The prospects for further research are based on the morphological and immunohistochemical studies of pituitary gland, adrenal and ovary of rats in conditions of reparative changes after experimental extracellular dehydration of the heavy stage.


pituitary gland, adrenal glands, extracellular dehydration, follicle stimulating hormone, progesterone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 90-93 pages, index UDK 616.432+616.45+618.17]-092.9:616.395