Romanyuk A., Moskalenko R., Piddubnyi A., Sikora V.


About the author:

Romanyuk A., Moskalenko R., Piddubnyi A., Sikora V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Prostate cancer (PC) — a malignant tumor most often found in European men older than 70 years. In Europe, the incidence of prostate cancer up 96.0 cases per 100 thousand. Prostate cancer mortality is 19.3 per 100 thousand with tendency to growth. Recently, 5-year relative survival rate of patients with prostate cancer has increased from 73.4% in 1999-2001 to 83.4% in 2005-2007. The aim is to study the statistical indicators of PC incidence in Sumy region for the period from 2010 to 2014. The paper used data of Sumy Regional Cancer Registry and the National Cancer Institute. Also we analyzed the results of histological examination of PC at Sumy Regional Pathology Office. We used statistical methods and were calculated the average incidence rate (Ia), standard deviation (σ), median (Me), and the average error of the average (m). PC is important problem for male population of Ukraine and all over the world. However, the PC incidence tends to increase in Europe and Ukraine. PC has a high social value, because it has the highest incidence among the male population and is the third leading cause of death of men, behind lung cancer and colorectal cancer. The research indicates that in Sumy region these figures are lower than in Ukraine and Europe. In Europe, the incidence of PC is 96.0 cases per 100 thousand, mortality — 19.3 per 100 thousand with a tendency to increase. Factors of PC development include age, heredity, environment pollution, chronic inflammation, the presence of abnormal inclusions (biominerals and corpora amylacea) in the tissue of the prostate, the presence of other tumors of the genitourinary system, including the bladder, improved diagnostic methods. The highest incidence of PC noted in Buryn (45,76±9,72), Velyka Pysarivka (39,3±6,3), Bylopillya (37,14±3,95) areas and Sumy (35,94±1,62). In Konotop (20,16 ± 3,51), Sumy (23,92±6,76), Romny (24,06±2,71), Hlukhiv (25,1±6,88) and Lypova Dolyna (26,3±5,00) areas of Sumy region the lowest incidence of PC was revealed. This fact can be explained by the lack of specialists in many areas of Sumy region and by the lack of modern diagnostic equipment. The average age of men with PC is 71,21 ± 1,09 years. The peak incidence occurs in the age group from 66 to 79 years. Analysis of data on РС incidence among the population of Sumy region indicates a large difference and heterogeneity of parameters among different areas. During the recent years the incidence of РС is growing is Sumy region, but remains lower than nationwide. The high incidence in the south-eastern regions can be explained by anthropogenic pollution, high concentrations of the chemical industry, medical and demographic factors and their combination. This causes pollution with harmful substances, including salts of heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, industrial emissions and others. Implications for clinical practice of modern medical diagnostic techniques significantly improve the diagnosis of PC, improves the quality of patients’ lives and their prognosis.


prostate cancer, environmental pollution, the incidence


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 94-97 pages, index UDK 616.65–006.04-0368 (477.52)