Skrypnikov A. N., Zhywotowska L. W., Boiko D. І.


About the author:

Skrypnikov A. N., Zhywotowska L. W., Boiko D. І.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The first psychotic episode in contemporary research identified as a severe mental disorder that could be the debut of various nosological forms of mental illness: schizophrenia, organic, vascular, intoxication psychosis may be part of the depressive and manic phases of bipolar affective disorder. There are studies that indicate a correlation between the risk of mental illness geliophysic of the situation and the level of solar activity, reducing the effectiveness of the mechanisms of psychological adaptation, and promote the development of affective psychoses, autoagressive behavior, neurotic disorders, alcoholic psychoses and other disorders. Therefore, without a doubt, the practical value should study first psychotic episode in the context depending on biological rhythms. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological aspects of the first psychotic episode, taking into account factors heliogeophysical. The study was conducted at the Poltava Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital of Maltsev and processing based on archival documentation of hospitalizations of patients over the period 1997-2007 years (11-year solar cycle). Total for the period 1773 hospitalized patients with a first psychotic episode, 1308 of them later met the criteria for diagnosis of "schizophrenia, paranoid type," and 465 diagnosed with "acute polymorphic psychotic disorder." Among patients of group 1 was 761 male and 547 women in group 2 - 204 men and 261 women. By age patients were distributed as follows: in the first group aged 16-30 years was 869 persons, 30-40 years - 316 older than 40 years - 123 in the second group aged 16-30 years - 231 patient, 30-40 years - 174, older than 40 years - 60. Based on the law Schwabe-Wolf, according to which marked the peak of solar activity for 4-5 year solar cycle, and modern studies of the 23 solar cycle - the largest activity and sunspot number is registered in the period 2000-2002, which coincides with peaks of hospitalizations of patients with first psychotic episode, established as a result of processing archived medical records. So, as a result of the study, we can conclude that heliometeorolohichni factors such as solar activity have a direct effect on the human body, including the mental processes and is a factor that must be considered in the further study of mental disorders. The results indicate essential biorytmolohichnyh further research in clinical psychiatry, improvement of existing and development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures.


the first psychotic episode, sun activity, biological rhythms


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 102-105 pages, index UDK 616.89-036.4:57.045:616-036.2