Traverse G. M., Ziuzina L. S., Ananevich E. I., Andrushchenko I. I., Bilan E. V.


About the author:

Traverse G. M., Ziuzina L. S., Ananevich E. I., Andrushchenko I. I., Bilan E. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The research was based on observing 102 children who had repeatedly undergone in-patient treatment at the early childhood department of children's city clinical hospital of Poltava during 2013-2015 with reference to acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) of complicated course (they formed the group of children with recurrent diseases) and 32 children with episodic ARVI, usually without complications. The age category of observed children ranged from 9 months to 3 years (average age – 1.9 years). The following complications were observed in children with recurrent diseases: acute obstructive bronchitis, laryngeal stenosis, pneumonia of viral and bacterial nature, acute herpetic stomatitis, lymphadenopathy, and lymphadenitis. In 63 (61.7%) infants with recurrent diseases, the presence of viral DNA of herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) in the blood was laboratory-confirmed; these infants constituted the main group. The comparison group consisted of 32 children with episodic disorders in which blood tests for HHV-6 were negative. In all children, the underlying disease was treated with antiviral drugs, symptomatic therapy, in complications – with antibiotics. 30 children of the main group (the first subgroup) received Flavozid and 33 children received treatment only according to the protocol (the second subgroup). Flavozid was prescribed under the following scheme: children up to 1 year – 0.5 ml 2 times a day; from 1 year to 2 years – 1 ml 2 times a day; 2 to 3 years: from the first to the third day – 1.5 ml, 2 times a day, since the fourth day – 3 ml, 2 times a day. For the effective suppression of replication of intracellularly persistent infections (activation of the infectious process), Flavozid therapy was administered for 3 months. Analyzing the obtained results of repeated laboratory examination of children depending on the application of Flavozid, it was found that children who received immune correction had significantly lower levels of white blood cell count of 6.7+0.53 ths./mcl as against 8.86+0.62 ths./mcl respectively, (p<0.05) which was close to the level of healthy children against the raising level of lymphocytes was observed in 40.76+8.6% of children of the first subgroup against 21.5+7.9% of children who did not receive the medication (p <0.05); the level of eosinophils was significantly lower in the first subgroup was and amounted to 2.40%+1.14% as against 4.27%±1.1 in children of the second subgroup (p<0.05). In children of the first subgroup, the level of monocytes level increased and amounted to 6.77+0.81% as against 5.08+0.63% in children of the second subgroup, indicating the increased activity of macrophage link of the immune system. Thus, herpes virus infection not only causes an acute infectious process with toxic damage of cellular structures of various organs and tissues, but also even in case of latent flow contributes to changes and disturbances of the immune response, determines the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, plays a major role in recurrent course of respiratory infections in young children from the group of frequently and chronically ill patients. Taking into account the frequency of HHV-6 detection in different somatic diseases in young children, one can recommend the practitioners to include the tests for antibodies to HHV-6 into the plan of examination of children with recurrent diseases with severe acute respiratory viral infection and febrile convulsions, and subsequently adjust the therapy to the results of these tests.


children with recurrent diseases, flavonoids, herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6)


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 116-120 pages, index UDK [616-053.36: 616.98 ] – 085.322