About the author:
Chaplyk-Chyzho I. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In light of anthropological direction of modern medicine needed detecting biochemical and morphological markers of genetic susceptibility on before nosology stage of the disease. This allows you to identify predictors of certain diseases. Informational determine the thickness of skin and fat folds in different places depending on age, gender, ethnicity and genetic characteristics and the nature of the fat deposits in diseases. Because the increase in fat mass in adults is associated with increasing morbidity, accurate quantitative and topical diagnosis of excess fat deposits should be conducted to determine the risk of developing diseases associated with obesity. Aim of our work – define the features of the thickness of skin and fat folds in healthy and patients with pyoderma men and women in West region of Ukraine. Materials and methods. Is carried out clinical laboratory and anthropological examination of 45 patients with pyoderma male and 48 female patients from Western Ukraine. The results are compared with data anthropo-somatotypological survey of 85 almost healthy men and 135 women of similar age and region of residence of the data bank Scientific and Research Center Vinnitsa National Medical University named after Pirogov. Used the following methods: general clinical - to verify the diagnosis of pyoderma; anthropometry by the method of V. Bunak in modification of P. Shaparenko; somatotype determination by the method of J. Carter and B. Heath; statistical analysis of the results carried out in the license statistical package "STATISTICA 6.0" using parametric and nonparametric methods. Results. Discussions. Found that the thickness of the fat folds of skin on the back of the shoulder in healthy men was significantly lower (p <0,05) compared to male patients. The thickness of the skin and fat folds on the front of the shoulder in healthy men was significantly lower (p <0,01) compared to male patients. The thickness of skin folds of fat on the side of healthy men was significantly lower (p <0,05-0,01) compared with patients group of common men with acute course of dermatosis and superficial and deep pyoderma. When comparing between healthy and pyoderma patients studied thickness of skin and fat folds on the anterior surface of the forearm, under the lower angle of the scapula, on the chest, on the abdomen, on the upper thigh, on the shin of men. Among healthy and patients with pyoderma women do not have any significant differences or trends thickness of skin and fat folds. This is probably due to the fact that the process of excess fat deposits in women physiologically associated with periods of puberty, menarche, pregnancy, lactation, menopause. Most women adaptability to external and internal stressors can "smooth out" differences of anthropometric indices in the studied patients and healthy women.
men, women, healthy, patients with pyoderma, thickness of skin and fat folds
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 121-124 pages, index UDK 100.42:621.