About the author:
Abdul – Ogli L. V., Demjanenko I. A., Kozlovskaja A. A., Rutgayzer V. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Most experts believe that the Bologna reforms transition to vocational training on the basis of competence must be overcome by the system based only on the acquisition of knowledge. Experts of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy believe that the mandatory component should be adequate organization of the educational process, with elements of transformation and combination of methods of education, leading to an increase in the motivational aspects of morphological departments in medical schools. Test control in the departments of morphological disciplines: anatomy, operative surgery and topographic anatomy should be mandatory, but it is not the primary, given the identity of these disciplines to the practice of medicine. It should be remembered that the presence of computer classes simplifies control. The lecture course at the Department of Human Anatomy in Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy primarily focuses students on organogenesis and systemogenesis in prenatal period and connection between phylogenesis and ontogenesis. At the Department of Urology, topographic anatomy and operative surgery mostly use multimedia lectures that allow more detailed study of the spatial interrelation of organs and systems, local access to surgical procedures that can be used in practical classes, with the condition of the presence of facilities, equipment and altruistic characteristics of the teacher, as well as at conferences and case studies. As the optimum structure of the reception of the practical knowledge on the normal human anatomy, providing the assimilation of the material, is the practical lesson, being constructed as independent work of students with preparations and a cadaveric material, considering the instructing of the teacher on the theme of the current lesson, according to methodical workings out on morphological disciplines. The Bologna Process demands from the student his self-discipline, diligence and a permanent job. The most part of the educational process, unfortunately, is taken away to the independent studying of disciplines. In this connection, the main task of teachers in medical High schools is the high-grade maintenance with a necessary material, holding consultations, both during the educational process, and at the performance of the independent work. It is necessary to give enough time both to the material explanation, and to the work with preparations, if available, including the independent work with them and models. In the classroom teachers, when explaining the new material, should pay special attention to the basic and difficult questions for understanding on the theme of the practical lesson. For the systematization and control of knowledge the test control with the use of clinical tests, which assume the development of the clinical thinking is carried out. So, it is necessary not only to carry out the test control, but to give special attention to the analysis of test tasks with an explanation among distractors of the right answer. It is necessary not only to train visually developed memory (learning of the test task), but also to analyze it. So, the student, when reading the condition of the test task, not seeing a right answer, should be able to answer it independently, checking himself. Considering the facts mentioned above, the teacher in medical High schools should be not only professionally educated, disciplined, responsible, but also he should possess positive human qualities which characterise love for his own business and understanding of the mission, considering the teaching activity in medical High school. Before having something to demand, it is necessary most to correspond to.
practice of doctors, professional approach
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 140-142 pages, index UDK 611.98:611.73:591.483-001-076