Gutor N. S., Avdeev A. V., Hembarovskyy M. V., Brychka L. T., Yasinovskyi Y. B.


About the author:

Gutor N. S., Avdeev A. V., Hembarovskyy M. V., Brychka L. T., Yasinovskyi Y. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. There are dentition abnormalities, associated with teeth retention, particularly from 4 % to 17.4 % of patients have deformations of dentition, most often in the frontal area of the maxilla. Accordingly, a violation of dentition leads to changes in shape of the face, bite, esthetics. This pathology requires an integrated approach from a position as the treatment and study of the prevalence, risk factors for its occurrence. Scientists point out that during examining patients, the diagnosis should take into account the specific climatic-geographical and environmental characteristics of the locality. The aim of our study was to conduct a research of the prevalence of tooth retention in different localities of accommodation and prove the treatment tactics. Materials and methods. During clinical observations there were 46 patients with teeth retention, aged from 12 to 24 years, residents of Ternopil and Chortkiv, who was found 88 impacted teeth. Examination of all patients was conducted using clinical and radiographic methods (orthopantomography). Integrated treatment was consisted of surgical and orthodontic (using a bracket system) stages. Results and discussion. Examined the residents of Ternopil and Chortkiv showed that among Ternopil residents teeth retention was diagnosed in 25 (5.02 %), Chortkiv residents – 60 (11.95 %). Most of the prevalence of this disease among Chortkiv residents, possibly related to the peculiarities of the locality. City Chortkiv belongs to the zone of enhanced radiological environmental monitoring. According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ternopil region radiation background is 15-20 mсR / h in Chortkiv, in Ternopil – 10-12 mсR / h. So, study the effect of background radiation on the development of the dentofacial system requires additional research. Patients of both groups were conducted clinical surgical-orthodontic treatment aimed at preserving of impacted tooth and displacement it to the dentition with bite normalization. Clinical observation of the patients showed that the treatment was started soon after the formation of permanent occlusion, the faster was obtained a positive result. Thus, our surgical-orthodontic treatment of Ternopil and Chortkiv residents had no differences on the results of our observations. Conclusion. Prevalence of the dentofacial pathology system, including retention of teeth, in Chortkiv residents was greater, what is perhaps associated with increased radiation background. The most effective treatment method of impacted teeth is a combination of surgical and orthodontic treatment. The most effective treatment of dental retention was in patients 14-18 years old. The effectiveness of treatment is not dependent on the place of residence.


impacted teeth, diagnostics, surgical, orthodontic treatment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 184-187 pages, index UDK 616.314-007.13-77