About the author:
Ka’skova L. F., Chuprina L. F., Vashchenko I. Y., Artem’ev A. V. Makovka I. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The main dental caries indicators were researched with involving the anatomical bones specimens of 499 people with the skulls, jaws and teeth at the population of Ukraine inhabited in different historical periods (from the Copper age till the Middle age). Anthropological materials were discovered during the archaeological scientific and protective rescue excavations in 1998-2012 years. The dental caries researches carry out accordant to private devising method (Certificate of registration of copyright number 44677 from 11.07.2012. Scientific work "The scheme using for research of the dental – jaw area in old people (grounded on anthropological materials)" / L.F. Kas’kova, A.V. Artem’єv, № 44954 application.11.05.2012.). The study revealed the various indicators of caries during the different historical epochs. The pathogenic symptoms of caries are gaining ground from age to age. The caries hasn’t identified during the historical period of the Copper age, but he has been manifested already during the Bronze Age at analyzing population of the Left Bank territory of Ukraine. The interesting fact, the caries hasn’t revealed at children population in the Copper and the Bronze Ages. The dental caries was detected extremely rare in the elderly population into the enumerated historical periods and teeth cavities have superficial and middle localization. The dental caries cavities have the features initially manifested in the contact surfaces and root cement. The 10 persons with the dental caries were registered in the early Iron Age and the Bronze Ages. The caries pathology has the initially tendency start with root cement and contact surfaces late involves the near situating surfaces. The all classes of dental caries cavities described by Black’s classification and as well as the pathomorphology picture of modern classical caries has started to diagnosis at the Middle Ages. The three periods of caries process evolution were recommended to divide accordant to morphological differences during manifestation dental caries: 1) Caries of the Bronze Age: distinguished by localization: root cement and contact points caries; the period of manifestation: the elderly population; accordant to the tendency: dental caries develops slowly and has a chronic compensated character; the depth of lesion: surficial or middle localization of dental caries cavity within in enamel and dentin; 2) Caries of the early Iron Age: the caries of the Bronze Age was intensified. The dental caries cavities were enlarged, more profoundness and volumetric, appeared in the young age; they localization were detected in dental contact points, vestibular and occlusal surface; 3) Caries of the Middle Ages – well known modern classic clinic and morphological pictures of dental caries. Having conducted researches of archaeological material connected with different historical periods, namely, Bronze and Copper, the early Iron Age, the Middle Ages, were permitted to make a conclusion about manifestation and character of the caries process in the population of Left-Bank Ukraine. The indicators of caries prevalence and intensity, his localization, and pathological features, depth of caries cavities lesion, population age during the Bronze and Copper Ages had differences with the modern conception of caries process manifestation. We have proposed a caries process periodization ground on our representing researches it will make possible to propose the dental caries classification.
dental caries, Bronze and Copper Age, Early Iron Age, the Middle Ages, caries cavities classification according to the Black
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 198-201 pages, index UDK 616.314-002.4”7123”