Korobeinikova Y. L.


About the author:

Korobeinikova Y. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Choosing the best method of treatment of dental diseases depends on correct diagnosis, based on an understanding of the problems and the use of additional methods of research. Therefore, early diagnosis of diseases and injuries of dental system, an objective assessment of treatment results in immediate and long-term periods is an urgent problem in prosthetic dentistry. Early diagnosis of periodontal complications is one of the factors contributing to the ability to ensure long-term positive results of orthopedic rehabilitation. Even after successful treatment of orthopedic noted several negative complications that are difficult to detect clinically. About not anyhow what the relevance of this problem indicates a significant number of domestic and foreign scientific papers dealing with issues in the diagnosis of patients prosthetic metal-ceramic bridge prostheses. Despite the fact that the idea of evaluation of soft tissue structures in periodontal diseases by X-ray with contrast media, appeared at the beginning of the century, to date, due to their and high accuracy, the methods of radiological diagnosis is not always satisfy the practitioners that is the basis of their improvement. In modern dentistry, the value of X-ray method of investigation has been growing steadily, helped by advances in computer technology. Methods ortopantomografi research went into daily practice as a mandatory step of the quality of primary diagnosis, and advanced digital ortopantomografy with various special diagnostic programs provide an opportunity to significantly minimize radiation exposure to the patient. It can be concluded that even this highly informative dental patient examination method is not always possible to obtain all the necessary diagnostic information. Unified method to date, which makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the study area with minimal exposure is cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). One of the criteria for assessing the degree of pathological changes of periodontal tissue is bone resorption alveolar. However, changes in the vestibular and oral surfaces in the panorama or targeted intraoral image overlap shadow teeth and objectively do not allow for accurate diagnosis of pathological changes of periodontal tissues. The aim of the work was to evaluate the resorption of bone tissue in the area of the abutment teeth of patients with fixed metal-ceramic structures according CBCT. Based explore the resorption of bone tissue with medial vestibular, oral, distal sides of the abutment-metal constructions, using statistical processing to analyze research performance. Our results cone-beam computed tomography showed a significant difference indices of bone resorption alveolar medial, distal and vestibular-oral side. This suggests that a detailed study of this index is an essential factor in the diagnosis of periodontal changes in structures with fixed metal-patients.


periodontal, bone resorption, imaging, alveolar bone


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 205-208 pages, index UDK 616:314-089.29-631:616-073.756.8