Masoud Kiani, Pankevych A. I.


About the author:

Masoud Kiani, Pankevych A. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Four types of teeth, being the eruption after another teeth are called wisdom teeth or third molars, start at the approximate age is 9 till 10 years old in the jawbone and crown completed in 14 years old and in the last years of adolescence begin to eruption inside the bone and after the age of 16 till 25 years old appear in the mouth. Due to lack of a natural form of wisdom teeth like many other teeth and perch at the end of the jaw and do not clean them when brushing, so vulnerable and usually sooner than other teeth are caries. Restoration and filling wisdom teeth are difficult; so, to extract the wisdom teeth. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Diclofenac potassium and Meloxicam on postoperative pain, swelling, etc. after surgical extraction of lower and upper third molars. Third molar surgery is one of the most common procedures performed in oral surgery. Nevertheless, this procedure requires accurate planning and surgical skills. With surgical procedures in general, complications can always arise. Extraction of teeth is a common dental procedure. After tooth extraction the patient may experience pain, and there is a varying degree of severity between patients. Postpone the extraction of third molar into old age may cause the following complications: - Reduce recovery after tooth extractions; - Dental caries on adjacent tooth; - The possibility of welding jaw teeth; - The roots were thicker, with increase age and may be more difficult tooth extractions. Also, generally complications of removal wisdom teeth are : pain, swelling, trismus, malaise, hemorrhage, fractures of the mandible and the maxilla, damage to adjacent teeth, alveolar osteitis, periodontal damage, soft-tissue infection and temporary paresthesia (numbness of the lips, tongue and cheek). Postoperative pain is related significantly to the amount of surgical trauma. Surgical removal of bony impactions and osseous periodontal surgery are more traumatic and produce more intense pain when compared with simple uncomplicated tooth extraction. Most of the literature focuses on postoperative pain after surgical removal of impacted third molars or on the effectiveness of different pharmaceutical options in combating postsurgical pain. A thorough understanding of the complications associated with this procedure will enable the practitioner to identify and counsel high-risk patients, appropriately manage more common complications and be cognizant of less common sequelae and the most effective methods of management. Surgical extraction of third molars is often accompanied by complications. So, careful surgical technique and scrupulous perioperative care can minimize the frequency of complications and limit their severity. Third molar extraction performed in maxilla and mandible is unequal concerning pain response. Higher pain complains could be expected for patients who have difficult mandibular surgery and that means increase of trauma and procedure time spent. The sample consisted of 100 consecutive patients. This study showed the potential suitability of Meloxicam and Diclofenac potassium for the management of our patients who have undergone oral surgical procedures. In this study, prescribed Meloxicam for three days was preferably due to the low side effects in compare with Diclofenac potassium. According to our research, surgeon must be prescribing antibiotics (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid) for all patients with ostectomy or ostectomy and odontotomy procedure in open extraction lower third molar.


third molar tooth, pain, Diclofenac potassium, Meloxicam, surgical dentistry


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 222-227 pages, index UDK 616.314.9:615.327