Nikonov A. Yu., Sergiyenko M. A.


About the author:

Nikonov A. Yu., Sergiyenko M. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Metal alloys which are used for non-removable prosthesis contain in its composition various substances which can adversely affect the redox processes occurring locally in the patient's mouth and their whole body as well. The result is a reduction of stability of major human physiological processes of the body. Recent studies have shown that in order to correct the balance of redox processes it is appropriated to use bioflavonoids which belong to the group of organic and natural polyphenols. Drugs made of them have a powerful antioxidant effect bazed on inhibition of the processes of free radical oxidation. Parapharmaceuticals "Win-Vita" produced by "Ecopharm" is a complex of active flavonoids extracted from the dark European grape variety Vitis vinifera L. such as Cabernet. The article presents the results of research indicators of the antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation in the oral fluid and blood serum of patients with non-removable metallic constructions in the oral cavity during reception of the parapharmaceutic "Win-Vita". In the research 46 patients with stamped-steel bridge-like dentures with phenomena of intolerance and 20 patients without metallic orthopedic constructions, who went to the clinic for the purpose of preventive examinations, have been examined. Patients were split into control group of 20 patients without metallic inclusions in the mouth and two experimental groups of patients with non-removable metal prosthesis. The first clinical group consisted of patients with non-removable dentures, which had no corrections in the diet. The second clinical group consisted of patients who received Parapharmaceuticals "Win-Vita" in dose of 15 ml once a day for 30 days. A studied medication has normalized pro- / antioxidant balance in the oral cavity and in the whole organism. This is evidenced by the decrease of conjugated dienes, malonic dialdehyde, increasing concentration of sulfhydryl groups in blood serum, as well as decrease of thiobarbituric acid and enzymatic activity of the antioxidant system in the oral fluid of the patients. We consider that the normalization of metabolic processes, which parapharmaceutic "Win-Vita" has provided, may contribute to the prevention of diseases in the dental system and other organism systems.


antioxidant system, lipid peroxidation, oral fluid, non-removable metal orthopedic constructions, parapharmaceutics


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 236-240 pages, index UDK 616.314-007.285:316-008.8]:577.152: 613.292: 591.476