About the author:
Nevmerzhytska N. M., Dzevulska I. V., Bezshtanko M. A., Lahtadyr T. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article described in detail the life and career of the great scientists of the 19th century Field Brocka. Paul Brock is an outstanding French anatomist, surgeon, anthropologist, neurosurgeon, talented teacher. Born into a family of a military doctor. From a young age wanted to become a doctor. In 1844, Paul Brock receives a medical degree and begins to perform the duties of the dissector. With 23 years begins to publish his work. Field Brocka quite rightly considered the founder of anthropology as a science since 1859 by Paul Broca founded the first in Europe the society of Anthropology in Paris, the development of which he engaged till the end of his life. And In 1872 he founded the journal «Anthropological review» (Revue d’anthropologie). In 1876 he founded in Paris Higher school of Anthropology, where prepares talented students. In the same year, Paul Broca founded the anthropological Museum in Paris. In 1963 Brocka opens the motor speech center in the brain, which is called by his name. Motor speech center – Broca’s area controls the work organal voice. When the lesion is disturbed fine motor coordination of the muscles of the tongue, lips, larynx, in General, all recidivating muscles. This is known as motor aphasia. It should also be noted that it is also important scientific work of our hero was devoted to the pathology of cancer. For example, Brock has identified a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. Scientist described ten cases of malignant tumors that occurred with members of his wife’s family for four generations. In 1990, Dr. Mary Claire king confirmed the findings of Brock to find a link between mutations of the two genes and risk of breast cancer and ovarian. She wanted to call genes in honor of Brock, but because the gene name is only four letters, the king left the abridged version – the genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. Paul Brocca was Vice-President of the Board of public assistance, which dealt with issues of medical care for the poor. As a public figure paid much attention to the problems of health and education. Paul Broca died at the age of 56 years in Paris July 9, 1880. Your body and brain of the great scientist bequeathed to science. Brain Brock is one of the exhibits of the «Museum of Man» in Paris.
anatomist, anthropologist, science, discovery.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 12-16 pages, index UDK 061.75