About the author:
Zahoruiko G. E., Martsinovsky V. P., Zahoruiko Yu. V., Filatova V. L., Shmulich О. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
It has been established that by 15 days after birth, the rat in the myocardium of the complex left ventricle and interventricular septum (LV + ISH) complete the proliferation and polyploidy of CMC. The number of CMC workers in the myocardium (LV + ISH) stabilizes at the level of 1,52 ...1,56 x 107 . In the myocardial parenchyma of newborn rat three populations of muscle cells are unequal in number and function: 1nuclear d-CMC, 1nuclear s-CMC and 2nuclear-CMCs. At t ≤ 15 days, the number of populations of 1nd- and 1ns-CMC decreases to “0” as result of the transition 1nd-CMC →1ns-CMC → 2n-CMC. In the process of postnatal development of rat pups, in the myocardial parenchyma (LV + ISH) a continuous increase in the sizes of 1nd-, 1ns-, 2n-CMCs and an increase in the volume of mitochondrioma in 1nd-, 1ns-, 2n-CMC is determined. The postnatal development of mitochondrioma in CMC is carried out through the implementation of the biological law “division ↔ merger”. In the time interval (n/p – 15), the division of MX and the increase in the number of these organelles in CMC are determined. The frequency of MX divisions in 1nd-CMC is 111 mx/day; in 1ns-CMC – 173 mx/day, in the 2n- CMC – 285 mx/day. The frequency of MX divisions in 2n-CMC equal to 267 mx/day, is determined in the time interval (30 – 45) days of postnatal development of rats. In the time interval (15 – 25) days in the 2n-CMC, an intensive fusion of the MX occurs with a frequency of 420 mx/day. The fusion of MX leads to an increase in the volume of organelles and a 2-fold increase in the content of MX DNA molecules in MX. The doubled amount of MX-DNA in MX promotes: intensification of biosynthesis and accumulation of MX-proteins in the MX matrix; an increase in the size of the surface area of cristae which acquire a convoluted and spiral shape; an increase in the volume of MA, the development of physiological hypertrophy of the MX in CMC. During postnatal ontogenesis in populations of CMC of the myocardium complex (LV + ISH), MX sizes increase from a minimum of 0.08 μm3 in 1nd-CMC of newborn rat to a maximum of 0.9 μm3 in 2n-CMC of 30- day- old rat.
cardiomyogenesis, populations of cardiomyocytes, mitochondrial division and fusion, mitochondrial apparatus.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 67-72 pages, index UDK 612.172 : 611.127-018