About the author:
Polokhina K. V., Golichenko O. A., Shtemenko O. V., Shtemenko N. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to previously obtained data about efficacy of the antineoplastic rhenium-platinum system, the study was performed on three structural types rhenium(III) cluster compounds interaction with 20-membered oligonucleotides that differed in content of AT- and GC- complementary base pairs, using the method of competitive complex formation with propidium iodide. It is shown that rhenium compounds are bound with oligonucleotides of both types more intensively than cisplatin; the binding process depending on the structure and ligands orientation around the cluster dirhenium fragment. The results obtained may be the base of the combination anticancer therapy including simultaneous administrations of a complex rhenium compound and cisplatin.
rhenium(III) cluster compounds, oligonucleotides, AT- and GC-complementary pairs of oligonucleotides, propidium iodide.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 72-75 pages, index UDK 577.113.4:546.719