About the author:
Babov K. D., Gushcha S. G., Bakholdina O. I., Oleshko O. Ya., Koieva Kh. O., Arabaji M. V., Zaharchenko E. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Despite the wide arsenal of modern drugs used for the treatment of chronic gastritis, the risk of complications associated with the tendency to relapse, resistance to therapy, which leads to the search and development of non-drug therapeutic treatment to which mineral water (MW) is related, is not eliminated. The purpose of the study: to substantiate the possibility of using natural MW in the correction of functional systems damage in rats with experimental gastritis. Object and methods. White rats were used in the work. Animals were ranked into 4 groups. The first group – intact animals, were used as a control group. The second group is rats with a model of gastritis. The third group – rats with a model of gastritis receiving MW of sample No. 1 (sodium chloride water with mineralization of 4.3 g/l) and the fourth group – rats with a model of gastritis receiving MB of sample No. 2 (weakly mineralized silicon water containing methacrylic acid 50 mg/l and total mineralization – 0.70 g/l). The model of gastritis was caused by introducing into the stomach of the animal with a soft probe with a metal olive two days in a row 200 mg per 1 kg solution of potassium permanganate. A solution was prepared for rats with a body weight of 200.0 g: 40 mg of potassium permanganate was dissolved in 2 ml of distilled water. From the 3rd to the 9th day of the experiment, rats of the 3rd and 4th groups were internally treated with the appropriate MW. The aqueous loading of MW was performed orally, with a soft probe with olive once a day, at a dose of 1% by weight of the animal. Morphological, immunological, biochemical, physicochemical and statistical methods are used in the work. Under the influence of both MWs, the disappearance of inflammation in the stomach wall was microscopically detected. Results. Under the influence of MW № 1 in the stomach – the submucosal plate is dense, lymphoid infiltration is not determined. Fibroblasts are moderate in number, their nuclei are oval, dark colored. Glands of tubular form are defined in a mucous membrane. The epithelium in them is disordered, the cytoplasm in part eosinophilic, in part – slightly basophilic. The kernels are enlarged in moderate color. Interstitial layers are spread due to edema, lymphoid infiltration is absent. Under the influence of MW # 2, the gastritis has the definitive effects of gastritis in the form of mucosal edema and increased mucus secretion. Changes in kidney tissue are also associated with changes in water exchange, as with the use of silicon MW. In addition, the activation of redox processes in the tissues of the studied organs was established, in contrast to the animals of group 3, which used silicon MW. The use of both MW restores the balance of lipid peroxidation/antioxidant system (POL/AOS), the content of seromucoids, but the imbalance of the system of volatile transmembrane ion transport remains: the activity of Mg2+-Ca2+ATP-aza + restores NaF + remains somewhat reduced). In both peripheral blood and immune systems, both CFs have a moderate restorative effect. But sodium chloride MW (with a total mineralization of 4.3 g/l) has a slightly more pronounced restorative effect. The content of hemoglobin, the percentage of TGF lymphocytes is completely restored, the content of antibodies to the gastric tissue is reduced and the content of heterophilic antibodies is completely restored. Conclusions. The data obtained proved the feasibility of using MW in rats with experimental gastritis, which in the future will allow the gastroenterologists of the clinician, based on the given data, to develop and implement technologies for the treatment of gastritis with the used MW.
rats, experimental gastritis, mineral waters, complex assessment of functional systems of the body.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 86-92 pages, index UDK 616.33-002-092.9:615.327.03