About the author:
Gurskaya N. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose. Studies of changes in the functional activity of various parts of the immune system and oral cavity microbiota for the development of tactics for the use of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases. Methods. To characterize the subjects with respiratory diseases, clinical and laboratory features were studied in 59 patients, of which 39 patients in the acute period of acute respiratory infections with damage to the periodontium (main group) and 20 patients in the acute period of acute respiratory infections without concomitant pathology (control group) aged 20 to 37 years. For a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic measures involving the use of probiotic agents as additional corrective therapy, two experimental subgroups were formed from among the persons of the main group. The 1st subgroup included patients who received probiotic in combination with wellness treatment (n = 12), 1B – received generally accepted wellness treatment (n = 11). Results. In patients with acute respiratory infections with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, along with a deficiency of obligate microorganisms (lactobacilli), a marked decrease in the level of streptococci and a change in their species composition, a low level or absence of saprophytic neisseria were revealed. In the same group of patients, an increase in the frequency of detection of representatives of conditionally pathogenic additional microflora was noted, in particular staphylococci – Staphylococcus aureus 3.91±0.20 CFU/ml (53.8%) in comparison with the second group – 3.73±0.11 CFU/ml (25.0%) (p <0.05). On the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract in acute respiratory infections, uncomplicated by chronic diseases oral cavity, selection is predominantly 3. Neisseria spp. and Lactobacillus, and in the case of their development, S. aureus and E. coli. Conclusions. Identified structural and functional disorders of microflora and immunity of the upper respiratory tract in acute respiratory diseases in patients with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract require mandatory and timely correction. Given the identified microbiological changes that create favorable conditions for the development of repeated morbidity of organs and tissues of the respiratory system, it is necessary to conduct complex therapy using probiotic agents. Therapeutic and prophylactic measures with elements of additional supportive therapy should be aimed at activating normoflora, correcting its quantitative and qualitative indicators, the natural immunity of the oropharynx and oral cavity, and have a minimum of toxic-allergic effects for possible use in as many patients as possible with studied pathologies.
oral cavity, inflammation, microorganisms, probiotic.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 120-124 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002:616.31-022-07:579