About the author:
Isakov R. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to depression during the lifetime of 5 to 12% of men and 12 to 20% of women are ill, which causes depressive disorders to a leading place in the structure of the pathology of the psyche. In addition to the clinical implications, the prevalence of depression is accompanied by significant negative socio-economic consequences both for society as a whole and for the patient itself, significantly impairing his quality of life and level of social functioning. To study the specifics of quality of life in women suffering from depressive disorders of different genesis and the severity of psychosocial maladaptation, to determine, subsequently, the target targets of differentiated psychosocial rehabilitation of this contingent of patients, 252 women were diagnosed with the diagnosis. The study included 94 individuals with a depressive disorder of psychogenic origin (prolonged depressive response due to an adaptation disorder), 83 women with endogenous depression (depressive episode; recurrently depressive disorder; bipolar affective disorder, current episode of depression), and 75 depressed episodes of depression (organic affective disorders). The study was conducted using clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. The study found that the decisive role in the deterioration of quality of life in women with depressive disorders is played by the presence of psychosocial maladaptation, and the genesis of depressive disorder, although having an impact on quality of life, has a secondary character. In general, the highest rates of quality of life are inherent in patients with psychogenic depression, and the lowest – in organic ones. These patterns should be taken into account in the development of treatment-diagnostic and rehabilitation measures for depressive disorders, the development of which is the perspective of this work. These patterns should be taken into account when designing treatment and rehabilitation and prevention measures for patients with depression.
psychosocial maladaptation, depressive disorders, psychogenic depression, organic depression, endogenous depression, quality of life.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 131-136 pages, index UDK 616.895.4+616.891+616.892:616.89-02-058