About the author:
Maruta N. O., Panko T. V., Semikina O. Ye., Kalenska G. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to study the spectrum of clinical and psychopathological disorders in internally displaced persons. 51 patients from the group of internally displaced persons were examined: 72.55 % of women and 27.45 % of men. Research methods: information-theoretical, verbal-communicative, psychometric and mathematical-statistical. The information-theoretical research method took into account the theoretical provisions of research on internally displaced persons in Ukraine and abroad, which made it possible to establish the current state of mental health problems of internally displaced persons. The verbal-communicative research method was used to collect information from internally displaced persons, which was supplemented by a semi-structured interview to determine the socio-demographic, anamnestic and adaptive characteristics of internally displaced persons. A semi-structured interview was developed in the Department of Borderline Psychiatry of the State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” to collect data on internally displaced persons, identify risk groups and people in need of medical care, degree of satisfaction with various aspects of their lives, assessments the impact of a change of residence on the life of the patient, which gave, thus, additional information about the adaptive capabilities of the internal e displaced persons. The interview is a semiclosed version of the questionnaire, in which there are both closed questions and clearly structured answers are given to them, as well as open questions and spontaneous comments. The psychometric research method was used to assess the current mental state of internally displaced people and was implemented using the following scales: Hamilton’s scale for assessing depression (HDRS) (M. Hamilton, 1960) and the Hamilton’s scale for assessing anxiety (HARS). The examined internally displaced persons revealed a wide range of mental disorders, which included: prolonged depressive reaction (F43.21) in 17.65 % – post-traumatic stress disorder (F 43.1), in 15.69 % – moderate depressive episode (P32.1), in 11.76 % – organic anxiety disorder (F 06.4), in 11.76 % – adaptation disorders with mixed disorders of emotions and behavior; in 7.84 % – organic affective (depressive) disorder (F 06.3), in 3.92 % – recurrent depressive disorder (33.1) and in 3.92 % – a mixed anxiety-depressive reaction. Anti-stress factors (financial opportunities (21.57 %); active life position (optimism, activity, ability to act according to the situation, ability to make decisions) (15.69 %); support for family, relatives, colleagues (13.73 %) were identified; availability of housing, work (13.73 %)) and factors hindering adaptation in a changed situation (financial difficulties (94.12 %), lack of support from the state, volunteers (60.78 %), passive attitude (pessimism, passivity, categorically, rigidity, lack of goals for the future) (29.41 %)).
internally displaced persons, mental disorders, clinical and psychopathological features.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 156-162 pages, index UDK 616.89-008.48:314.72:616.89-008.447