About the author:
Maruta N. O., Shevchenko-Bitensky K. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In a study of clinic-psychopathological characteristics and social functioning of patients with hallucinatory-paranoid disorders (HPD) in moderate vascular dementia (MVD) 75 patients took part. 41 patients with hallucinatory-paranoid disorders (main group) and 34 patients without psychotic disorders (control group) were examined. In the study was used a comprehensive methodological approach, implemented using a clinical psychopathology method, supplemented with the use of psychometric scales (Neuropsychiatric inventory (NPI), Global Assessment Functionally (GAF) scale; Psychiatric Diagnostic Scale) – Bristol Activity Daily Life Scale (BADL). Mathematical statistics methods were used to determine the average values of quantitative parameters, their standard errors (in M ± m format), the reliability of differences (Student-Fisher criteria [t], Kolmogorov-Smirnov [λ]), relationships between indicators (Fisher exact method [TMF]). Components and elements of clinical and psychopathological features and social functioning of patients with HPD in SD PCT were determined by calculating diagnostic coefficients (DCs) and measures of Kulbak information (MI) for each of the investigated features with the subsequent formation of summary differential diagnostic tables used Wald procedure using SPSS 15.0 and MS Excel v.8.0.3. In the structure of clinic-psychopathological manifestations in patients with hallucinatory-paranoid disorders in moderate vascular dementia the following symptoms were revealed: the prevalence of frequent delusional ideas of material damage, robbery and jealousy to a moderate degree; a combination of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders with frequent vagrancy; periodic moderate verbal aggression; frequent disturbances rhythm day / night, frequent mood decline, manifested in the form of dysphoria; fear of being alone; with frequent irritability. The expressed negative influence of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders on communication function, quality and level of participation in fulfilling the parental role, the need and effectiveness of social contacts, the effectiveness of behavior in nonstandard and difficult conditions. The influence of hallucinatory-paranoid disorders on the formation in patients of this group of limitations of their vital functions in communication, ability to use the phone, make purchases, manage finances and use transport. It is proved that the magnitude of the overall social functioning of patients corresponded to a range of disorders from a serious deterioration in functioning in the social and professional spheres – to the inability to function in certain areas of life.
vascular dementia, hallucinatory-paranoid disorders, clinical and psychopathological structure, social functioning, moderate severity of dementia.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 162-167 pages, index UDK 616.895.7-009.884:616.831-008.46