About the author:
Najafova V. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of research. To identify in a comparative aspect the features of visualization of liver formations by various methods of radiation diagnostics against the background of metabolic disorders. Object and methods. Patients underwent the following instrumental studies: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound (ultrasound). A total of 124 studies on liver cysts were performed. In 53 patients, cysts were detected on the background of fatty liver. The results of research. During the study, 51 patients were examined according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with liver cysts, among which 30 patients had cysts on the background of metabolic disorders, and in 21 patients such disorders were not diagnosed. According to ultrasound, single cysts were more often detected against the background of overweight and fatty degeneration than with normal liver (75.0% and 64.3%, respectively). The largest number of cysts using MRI was found in the right lobe of the liver in the control and in the main group (against the background of an unchanged liver – in 60%, against metabolic disorders and fatty liver – in 57.1% of patients). Conclusions. Differential diagnostic criteria for imaging methods of cysts, the number of foci and their detection in various lobes of the liver change in the presence of metabolic disorders.MRI, CT and ultrasound have different informational content in identifying cysts in various segments of the liver. The presence of metabolic disorders of the liver adversely affects the visualization of the focus and the information content of the technique. By systematizing the differential diagnostic criteria for liver cysts, the advantages of MRI and CT in the detection of cystic formations in the right lobe of the liver are established. To detect cysts in the left lobe of the liver against the background of fatty degeneration, the most informative were MRI and ultrasound.
liver, cyst, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 251-255 pages, index UDK 616.36–033.2–073.75