About the author:
Rizaev J. A., Yangieva N. R., Lokes K. P
Type of article:
Scentific article
The health status of citizens is an important indicator of the success of a country’s socio-economic policy. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a serious medical and social problem, as it occurs from 25 to 40% among other eye pathologies and is one of the most common causes of blindness and visual impairment in the world. The severity of the disease is due to damage of two eyes, involvement in the pathological process of the central parts of the retina and a progressive course. Treatment of patients with AMD remains a complex problem of modern ophthalmology. Most authors acknowledge that conservative and surgical treatment in a significant proportion of patients with age-related macular degeneration in the later stages is ineffective. The aim of study was to investigate the results of using of an electronic program for predicting the risk of occurrence and early detection of AMD. Object and methods of research. To predict the risk of occurrence and early diagnosis of functional disorders of the macular region, we have used the electronic mass accessibility program that we developed, which makes it possible to use in cell phones, where each person can determine the risk of AMD and receive recommendations for further actions, as well as identify signs of macular region pathology. The card consists of several parts: the first part, where passport data is entered; the second part – risk factors (with a list of the main studied conditions that affect the onset and course of AMD, including heredity); the third part with a group of questions to determine the presence or absence of manifestations of pathology of the macular region. The interviewee then conducts an Amsler test for himself and answers questions after it has been conducted. The program automatically calculates points according to the answers received. The analysis of responses with the determination of the number of points allows you to determine the risk group for AMD and identify AMD. The program has an appendix with brief literature data that helps to increase the awareness of the subject about AMD. Research results and discussion. The age of people who have applied this program ranged from 35 to 75 years. There were 55 women and 45 men. 42 patients with an early stage of AMD, 10 patients with an intermediate stage of AMD, and 2 patients with a late stage of AMD were identified with the help of this program. According to a certain risk group for the occurrence of AMD, the respondent was offered recommendations on further tactics and lifestyle, as well as familiarization with the proposed information on AMD. Conclusions. The electronic program that we developed can be used in large quantities, it does not require time spent on visiting medical institutions and economic costs, it is effective as a method for predicting the occurrence, early detection of AMD and providing primary information, recommendations for further tactics. The proposed registration card for examination on AMD, in our opinion, allows to clearly and completely (as part of the task) records the necessary information about both the patient and his condition.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 260-264 pages, index UDK 617.735-002-053.9-08