About the author:
Yatsiv T. Z., Rozhko M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Treatment of patients with radicular jaws cysts in surgical stomatology is one of the most urgent problems, since in an outpatient setting, almost half of the operations occur on cystectomy and cystotomy. According to some authors, the main method of surgical treatment remains cystectomy with one-moment resection of the root of the causative tooth. Surgical intervention is performed by finding the root of the tooth in the cyst cavity not more than 1/3 of its length. Deeper finding of the root in the cyst cavity makes such teeth unsuitable for a functional attitude and causes their early loss. In addition, after removal of radicular cysts there are bone cavities that reduce the strength of the jaw bones and can cause functional and aesthetic disturbances. In the traditional method of carrying cystectomy, in some cases relapses may occur. The use of modern radio waves can help solve the problem. Today, radiosurgery has become a universal technique for doctors in dermatological, urological and gynecological practice. Radiosurgery is an effective method of treating many diseases, the use of which greatly reduces the time of surgery. Setting the desired wavelength and power, can make a cut, incision, coagulation, or fulgration. The purpose of our study is to increase the effectiveness of treatment of patients with radicular jaws cysts by applying transcranial electrowave cytotomy. 65 patients with radicular jaw cysts aged 20 to 45 were examined and treated. The patients were divided into two groups. The first control group consisted of 33 patients who underwent treatment according to the traditional method: surgical intervention with resection of the root and simultaneous removal of granulomas. The second group consisted of 32 patients who carried out a minimally invasive method of treatment of radicular cysts with the help of the high-frequency radio waves of the domestic production of ECWA-350M / 120B Nadia-2. All patients were undergoing ambulatory treatment at the Center of Dentistry at the University Clinic IFNMU. Among the examined, 26 (40%) men and 39 (60%) women. By age, the patients were divided as follows: 20-29 years – 11 people (16.92%); 30-39 persons 29 (44,62%); 40-45 – 25 people (38.46%). In the postoperative period, all patients took the basic medication therapy: “Azithromycin-Astrapharm” inside 0.25 g 1 time per day for five days, “Dexalgin” for 1 tab. with pain three days, “Linex” for 2 tabs 2-3 times a day for ten days. The use of transcranial electrowave cytotomy allowed to provide almost a bloodless operating field, to minimize postoperative pain to accelerate wound healing and to shorten the treatment period for patients. The obtained results of clinical studies indicate the benefits of using our method in the treatment of radicular jaw cysts.
electrowave cystotomy, radicular cyst, cystectomy.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 270-273 pages, index UDK 616.089-616.31-006.2